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#1 2011-08-17 05:50:12

Registered: 2009-09-12
Posts: 70

So...what happened to gnome?

Not sure if this is the correct area to be posting this, but my question is...what the hell happened to gnome?
I got it installed, got it working and everything but, it feels as though im using the gui on my phone, minus the ability to really do any user customization.
This gnome is entirely different than the gnome I was used to, in fact from the bit ive seen I think I like the windows gui more.

My questions are these. Is compiz still as effective with the new gnome as it was 2 years ago? Is it customizable like the old gnome, or is it a pigeon-hole parade where youre forced to stick with whats given to you?

Again, not sure if this is the correct forum for this, feel free to move or delete, just wondering if its worth the time to try configuring, if its possible at all or to simply move on to KDE or E17.

Thanks in advance.


#2 2011-08-17 05:58:45

Forum Fellow
From: Germany
Registered: 2009-02-17
Posts: 2,281

Re: So...what happened to gnome?

you are late. This has been discussed at length already and the mammoth thread already went TGN.

To know or not to know ...
... the questions remain forever.


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