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#1 2011-08-12 19:48:21

From: Blackpool, England
Registered: 2005-09-03
Posts: 74

KDE shutdown/reboot issue

I've had this issue for ages, hope I can explain it clearly enough.  Two people use my computer, when both are logged in, and the person who logged in first logs out, then the second person tries to restart or shut down, it doesn't work properly.  It just shows a flashing cursor, but if the person manually switches to vt1 the shutdown/restart continues as normal.  It's not a major deal just annoying.  Had the issue with KDE 4.6 and it continues with 4.7.  KDE starts via inittab.


#2 2011-08-17 14:02:45

From: Blackpool, England
Registered: 2005-09-03
Posts: 74

Re: KDE shutdown/reboot issue

I've managed to reproduce this in virtualbox, anyone care to shed any light before I attempt a bug report?


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