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Hi !
I've created a new package for a complete rewrite of rhythmbox-client (the official one has been dropped, see
It's available here
It's written in Python and use the Dbus MPRIS2 API to control Rhythmbox, but it could be easily adapted to any mpris2 compatible player
I believe in a world I can and do understand. A rational universe, explained through rational means.
I really like this one! In fact, I like it so much, I just registered to write this post .
I can finally use the gnome-do rhythmbox plugin (which still relies on the rhythmbox-client T.T). However, my most desired feature, enqueue, does not work. Is there a particular reason why you support URIs instead of file paths?
zilluss > rhythmbox-client (the official one) has been revived see … 93bbe5c47f
You know what...I use kupfer (a gnome-do equivalent )...and kupfer rhythmbox client supports only URIs instead of file paths....that's why I've developped it that way
I believe in a world I can and do understand. A rational universe, explained through rational means.
Thanks for the info! I built Rhythmbox myself from the latest source and the gnome-do plugin works! If I'll switch to Kupfer I will remember to your tool
All I get is "Rhythmbox is not running" when Im trying to use it. Whats wrong?