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#1 2011-08-25 04:41:13

Gullible Jones
Registered: 2004-12-29
Posts: 4,863

What makes Fluxbox so slow? (Yes, seriously.)

I thought it was a little laggy on my netbook as of late; but now that I've tried it on my Powerbook G4 with its poor 2D acceleration (running Debian Wheezy PPC), I'm just staggered at how sluggish it is. Move a Firefox window around the screen and it kind of slides slowly around like a budget version of some Compiz effect. Move something over Firefox, and you see swaths of unrefreshed widgets. Run a curses application in an xterm, and it will take half a second to register each keystroke. And the last straw: if you disable the "opaque window moving" option, and have it just display wire frames when moving windows, it seems to cause CPU spikes - move one of the wire frames around, and all audio and video will just stop.

Then I switched over to Windowmaker, and the lag just disappeared.

Does anyone know why this window manager is so unresponsive, at least on some machines, despite its reputation for speed? Are there perhaps bugs in imlib2 that affect it?


#2 2011-08-25 05:37:00

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2009-06-15
Posts: 4,173

Re: What makes Fluxbox so slow? (Yes, seriously.)

This seems to be On-Topic. smile Moving to Applications & Desktop Environments.

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