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#1 2011-08-25 01:49:37

From: Tallahassee, FL
Registered: 2011-08-10
Posts: 12

starting applications with specific screen positions

I've searched and haven't found anything that will solve my problem here (deep enough searching I hope..) so please let me know if anyone knows anything about this!

I'm using Openbox and I want to be able to start things when I login.  Easy enough, but I want to be able to start, say, 4 terminal windows in one desktop (with different window sizes and screen positions), chromium on the next desktop, and other stuff on others if I wanted to.  Is there any "simple" way to accomplish this?

Keepin' it simple.


#2 2011-08-25 13:19:57

Registered: 2009-10-15
Posts: 175

Re: starting applications with specific screen positions


#3 2011-08-25 19:15:58

From: Tallahassee, FL
Registered: 2011-08-10
Posts: 12

Re: starting applications with specific screen positions

that's all well and good but will that allow me to specifiy different things for one type of window?  it says that it recognizes a window and matches it to a set of rules, but not that it can start 4 terminals all with different rules

Keepin' it simple.


#4 2011-08-25 19:46:09

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: starting applications with specific screen positions

The simplest way to start a number of terminals in set postitions running various applications/commands is to use tmux.

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#5 2011-08-25 19:56:50

From: Tallahassee, FL
Registered: 2011-08-10
Posts: 12

Re: starting applications with specific screen positions

That looks interesting, I may play around with that in a bit.  But what about starting a browser on the next virtual desktop?  I read somewhere that you can set an application to default open on a specific desktop, which is what I'm considering doing seeing as how I can just set the default desktop per application, then just start all my programs in my openbox autostart file.  I'm kind of doing that now with pytyle3 and just starting three terminals in the first desktop, then tiling them with pytyle3 to take up the whole screen.  This is doing the job for now but I want to be able to specify my own window dimensions instead of pytyle3 determining them automatically.

Keepin' it simple.


#6 2011-08-25 20:00:24

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: starting applications with specific screen positions

themike561 wrote:

But what about starting a browser on the next virtual desktop? … p_settings

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#7 2011-08-25 20:15:58

From: Tallahassee, FL
Registered: 2011-08-10
Posts: 12

Re: starting applications with specific screen positions

Yeah I just read that after and I've already been setting it up this way.  Seems my only problem now is figuring out if there's a way that I can specify the screen positions and sizes of certain processes in the openbox autostart file?

Keepin' it simple.


#8 2011-08-26 03:33:08

Registered: 2011-03-17
Posts: 818

Re: starting applications with specific screen positions

Devilspie should be able to do most if not all these things you are trying to do. As far as the multiple instances of the same application goes I am pretty sure devilspie can do that as well as long as you can set each window to have a different title.


#9 2011-08-26 14:21:52

From: Tallahassee, FL
Registered: 2011-08-10
Posts: 12

Re: starting applications with specific screen positions

I might dabble into devilspie later, but for now I'm actually starting to like having a tiling manager running with key bindings.  Thanks for the help!

Keepin' it simple.


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