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#1 2011-08-27 23:57:03

From: Trego Montana
Registered: 2008-07-04
Posts: 106

Text in Gnome-Terminal gets stuck after losing, regaining focus

When Gnome-terminal is running, it is okay.  Then I click on some other window, then click on the gnome-terminal window.  Now when I type, nothing appears.   Also, the cursor disappears if it's in the gnome-terminal window.  Only if I type alt-F (or some other) to trigger the menu, does the text I typed appear suddently at the command line.  I can also tap the windows-logo key (normally never used for anything, no idea what it's called) and the text will appear.  The cursor resumes acting normal.   I've never seen this behavior before, but it's been this way since I installed Arch on this one machine.  (Previously, Ubuntu, ick!)

What is the problem? Is there some further information to gather to investigate this?

gnome-terminal is 3.0.1-2.   Running in icewm 1.3.7-1.  Did pacman -Syu this morning hoping some obscure bug or version mismatch got fixed, but no change.

Artist/Physicist, Herder of Pixels, Photons and Electrons


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