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#1 2011-08-30 03:56:34

Registered: 2009-10-17
Posts: 106

Keyboard Shortcuts for PulseAudio Volume

GNOME 3 offers keyboard shortcuts for audio volume in PulseAudio (GNOME 2 did as well).  This means that I can raise, lower, or mute the volume with single keystrokes.  It'll also show an image of a speaker with a volume bar while I'm doing this, and while I don't care as much about looks, I'd prefer to be able to see what level that the volume's at while I'm changing it.  I have a desktop, not a laptop, so, my keyboard doesn't have any multimedia keys.

Unfortunately, I'm not actually using GNOME 3 - I'm using Compiz standalone, with xfce4-panel and gnome-settings-daemon running in the background.  I'd prefer to not have to run the GNOME daemon in the background, because it messes with my settings, but I don't want to go without the nice audio shortcuts that GNOME 3 provides.  Are there any decent alternatives that I can use?

Forgive me if this is the wrong forum, but I think that this is more of a DE issue than an audio issue.


#2 2011-08-30 04:17:00

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,926

Re: Keyboard Shortcuts for PulseAudio Volume

I use this script
with xbindkeys.  You could also use compiz's command interface with it's key bindings (can be set in ccsm)

I use cairo-dock with the Sound Control applet to display the volume.  You might try to use Conky to display the current volume.

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