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#1 2011-08-30 13:30:31

Registered: 2011-08-22
Posts: 1

Problem with LVM automount as external device

Hi, this is my first post in this forum. I'm not a local speaking, forgive my bad statement.

My system is 64bit arch with gnome 3. I have a LVM volume and a physical volume. Both of them were detected after boot, and have nodes created by udev.

The problem is only the physcial volume can be detected as external device and show in Nautilus's device column, LVM volume was not shown in Nautilus after boot. But the noteworthy is when I inactive LVM and active it again, Nautilus show it immediately at device column.

If I write mount rules in fstab for these two volume, after "mount -a", Nauitlus show physical volume at device column and the strange is LVM volume was shown at computer column. This is the point I want to figure out. And how to automount LVM volume as external device like the other one at boot time.

Any advice will be appreciate.


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