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#1 2011-09-01 13:37:47

Forum Fellow
From: Belgium
Registered: 2006-11-05
Posts: 2,001

Ultimate dmenu - one dmenu fork that contains all additional features

Over the past years I've tried to combine patches from various sources to various versions of upstream dmenu.
This has proven to be a pain, as patches conflict with each other (or sometimes apply, but still break functionality) and/or loose compatibility with newer upstream releases.

So therefore, I think somebody/we should write a dmenu with all the options built-in, and try to maintain that.
Myself, I'm a bad C coder and I don't have time anyway, so I hope there are some dmenu hackers out there that can join forces and help out.
Here is my list of features I think should be available:
(I don't care which upstream version you start from, dmenu 3.x or 4.x, as long as the features work)

* horizontal mode (i.e. dmenu as we know it)
* vertical mode, with flag for how many lines long the menu can be
* string matching (dmenu as we know it) and token matching (aka xmms-like and awesomebar-like)
* toggle flag for stable sort: (should work with all matching modes)
        * stable: order matched results like they are ordered in the input
        * unstable: order by "best match" (match at beginning is better than in the middle)
* case sensitivity toggle
* custom colors
* cursor and "unix shortcuts" (ctrl-e, ctrl-a, ctrl-w, ..)
* traversing results list (going up and down) with arrow up/down and alt+j and alt+k
* multi select
* unicode support
* paste support (from either primary selection with shift-insert and clipboard, maybe with ctrl-V)

and then, some things that I don't find necessary, but others sometimes do:
* xft support
* history support (history support with wrapper script is okay for me, and more flexible anyway)

< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42


#2 2011-09-01 18:12:18

Registered: 2008-02-24
Posts: 452

Re: Ultimate dmenu - one dmenu fork that contains all additional features

Does one of your ideas above support filename tab-completion?  If not, I vote for this feature.

Last edited by steve___ (2011-09-01 18:18:21)


#3 2011-09-01 18:24:06

Forum Fellow
From: Belgium
Registered: 2006-11-05
Posts: 2,001

Re: Ultimate dmenu - one dmenu fork that contains all additional features

steve___ wrote:

Does one of your ideas above support filename tab-completion?  If not, I vote for this feature.

* for the case where you need to select 1 or more entries from a list of options, tab completion is inferior to token matching
* For "writing your own command with parameters" (like the example you link to), I think this does not belong in dmenu.  Dmenu is a tool to efficiently select an entry (or several entries) from a list, what you refer to is the task of a shell, and it can be done with something like bashrun.
Personally, if I wanted to use dmenu for the "open a specific file with a specific program" use case, I would first do a file selector in dmenu and then a program selector in dmenu. It would even be less keystrokes than by using tab completion (worst case only 1 keystroke less, namely the space, you would press enter instead of tab), and you can visually see when you've typed enough so that only 1 option remains, whereas with tab completion that's always a guess and you might press tab a character to early or too late. So not only is it a more pleasant experience, it also minizes your keystrokes.

< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42


#4 2011-09-01 20:44:05

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-02-24
Posts: 726

Re: Ultimate dmenu - one dmenu fork that contains all additional features

The main extra features I'd like to mention are:
- positioning of menu on screen: x, y offsets and maybe width of menu too
- retention of the ability to select an item and then customize it by typing extra text
- some simple mouse (yes, mouse!) support (would make my lazier users much happier, I'm afraid)
- Xft support


#5 2011-09-01 20:58:20

Forum Fellow
From: Germany
Registered: 2009-02-17
Posts: 2,281

Re: Ultimate dmenu - one dmenu fork that contains all additional features

Not really a contribution. This is better suited in a discussion thread.
Moving to Programming & Scripting.

To know or not to know ...
... the questions remain forever.


#6 2011-09-12 13:17:26

Forum Fellow
From: Belgium
Registered: 2006-11-05
Posts: 2,001

Re: Ultimate dmenu - one dmenu fork that contains all additional features

Whoa, the maintainer of dmenu was nice enough to actually create a patch that adds all features in my list to dmenu.
minus multi-select because he argues that's not really needed (you can run dmenu in a loop).
and minus unstable sorting in token matching mode, because he thinks that's pretty hard to do, but I can live with that. … bloat.diff

< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42


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