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Ok let me start with this:
I am looking for 2 things to make my life easier
1) a PKGBUILD for 2.6.0-test9 (i just copied the 2.4.22 one)
b) a .config file for the kernel - I currently config'd the kernel for MY system but I'd like the "official" arch style - i.e. a bunch of modules and whatnot
Secondly, what kernel features are new and flashy, and what are "gamebreakers" so to speak - what should I look out for?
Seeing that devfs has been obsoleted, what steps do I need to take to get rid of the dependancy on it in arch utilities?
Finally, I have been experiencing problems with the vga=XXX kernel parameter on boot - 791, which previously worked, does not anymore... if anyone has any info on this please let me know
to get rid of the devfs depends... just edit the PKGBUILD and recompile them, or just use the force/nodeps option with pacman (id rather do the first imo)
well compiling out devfs depends is not necessarily all that needs to be done. first off you need to decide what you will replace devfs with. are you going to replace it with udev or a static device tree?
if you replace t with udev then you better start reading to see how to use it properly.
if you replace it with a static dev tree then you will need a few utilities not included in arch and you will have to create all nodes(?) (i think that is the term).
as for devfs in 2.6 it is marked obsolete but it still functions just fine and you may want to use it for now until you have researched your options first. personally i would recommend devfs or udev over a static (and labour intensive) dev tree.
as for the two requests perhaps one of the other users can fulfill them or one of the trusted users because i doubt any of the other developers have time to create a package for unsupported software.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
I had the same 'VGA=xxx' problem, until I turn off support for VGA 16-color graphic support (FB_VGA16) under Graphics Support in the kernel .config
New features to enable/look at:
Anticipatory scheduler. This is awesome, much faster. The Deadline scheduler can't keep up with it.
ALSA - the new sound archetecture.
Preemptible kernel. This makes the system much more responsive.
ACPI - Its much better than APM, if your mobo supports it (mine does).
new NTFS driver - Its much faster than the one in 2.4
UDF File system - Lets you write CDRWs
Kernel config at /proc/config.gz - This is my favorite new feature. It lets you grab a .config from the running kernel from /proc/config.gz. I lose my configs all the time, and this lets you easily check an option. Plus, the config goes where the kernel binary goes.
Red_over_blue made a package for 2.6. I may be uploading it to my TUR real soon. I just gotta test it first. ;-)
"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern technology. Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."
did you new that wolk had all of that minus alsa
Version: 3.1
GU/ d- s: a- C L U P+ L+++ E--- W+
N 0+ K- W-- !O !M V-- PS+ PE- V++ PGP T 5 Z+ R* TV+ B+
DI-- D- G-- e-- h! r++ z+ z*
and a partridge in a pear tree.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Heh... got the vga figured out now... I just messed with the graphical options until it worked - brute force baby!
Thanks for the replies
Pages: 1