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I tried many Linux-Distributions and found with Archlinux my best choice. It's easy and fast - I onestly don't know anything to make better
Now I have set a good configuration with gnome3, chromium, libreoffice, gnome-mplayer, cups, and so on. So it's a user friendly universal-useable system like ubuntu, just not as slow and overloaded as this one.
I would now install this "version" on all computer in my network. But this would mean I had to manuelly configure everything step by step. Under Archlinux this goes far faster then somewhere else and with scrpts that would also would go very quick. But after the third computer also this would be very time intensive. My question would be now what would be the best way to go over this problem?
1. Make a big RAID-1 and install over archlinux once
2. Create a tarball of the whole "/" and extract this after installation
3. Make a auto. installation script
4. other ways?
Which would you choose as best way?
How do big factories handle this?
Is Boot over iP recommand?
Hope I didn't wrote too bad
Last edited by archer42 (2011-09-05 12:12:31)
Not sure what exactly do you want to configure, but have you tried AIF? … ation_File
Last edited by karol (2011-09-03 22:19:41)
I like larch.
Arch x64 on Thinkpad X200s/W530
Yes this goes in the right way. I will try this.
Did I forget any packages in my target list?
Would this work to a working gnome environment?
Can I let some packages away (xorg-server-utils)?
What is with GRUB2?
Is the paritioning ok (isn't there the gpt/grub2 partition missing)?
# Source und Mirror
# Installiere folgende Gruppen:
TARGET_GROUPS='base base-devel gnome libreoffice'
TARGET_PACKAGES_EXCLUDE='reiserfsprogs nano grub heirloom-mailx jfsutils lvm2 ppp psmisc vi wpa_supplicant xfsprogs at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core epiphany gnome-media libreoffice-kde4 libreoffice-sdk libreoffice-sdk-doc libreoffice-common'
# Installiere folgende Packete:
TARGET_PACKAGES='xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-utils xorg-server-utils xf86-video-intel vim openssh eog evince gnome-tweaks-tool gedit evolution gnome-mplayer gdm cups hplip file-roller gcalctool'
# Partitionierung
PARTITIONS='/dev/sda 300:ext2:+ 8000:swap *:brtfs'
BLOCKDATA='/dev/sda1 raw no_label ext2;yes;/boot;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params
/dev/sda2 raw no_label swap;yes;no_mountpoint;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params
/dev/sda3 raw no_label btrfs;yes;/;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params'
Last edited by archer42 (2011-09-04 10:10:30)
Pages: 1