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I recently upgraded to version 3.0 of the kernel and am having problems getting my wifi card to work (on an eee 1201N). lspci says it's a RTL8191SEvA:
lspci | grep -i realtek
07:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvA Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)
Before upgrading to 3.0, I used the realtek driver for 8192se (located here: … oads=true) and everything worked correctly. However, I currently no longer have a wlan0 interface.
Apparently, the driver for this card has been added to the 3.0 kernel. I tried loading the r8192e_pci kernel module and it loaded correctly with modprobe; however, I did not have a wlan0 interface (or any other wireless interface) even when adding the r8192e_pci module to the MODULES array in /etc/rc.conf and rebooting.
I also tried compiling the aforementioned driver for my card, but (judging by the compile errors) it does not support kernel 3.0.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
I forgot to say that I also tried to use the rtl8192se module as suggested in another thread but it seems to be missing:
sudo modprobe rtl8192se
FATAL: Module rtl8192se not found.
(I am running a standard arch kernel)
Last edited by Superposition (2011-09-05 02:52:44)
The RTL8192 driver from the 3.0 kernel doesn't likes the RTL8191SEvA... at least not for me
You need to do that sed line in the base directory of the inflated sources downloaded from :
sed -i 's|RX_FLAG_TSFT|RX_FLAG_MACTIME_MPDU|g' base.c rtl8192{ce,se,de}/trx.c
And edit the makefile like this:
CC = gcc
KVER := $(shell uname -r)
KSRC := /lib/modules/$(KVER)/build
MODDESTDIR := /lib/modules/$(KVER)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi
FIRMWAREDIR := /lib/firmware/
PWD := $(shell pwd)
CLR_MODULE_FILES := *.mod.c *.mod *.o .*.cmd *.ko *~ .tmp_versions* modules.order Module.symvers
SYMBOL_FILE := Module.symvers
obj-m := rtlwifi.o
PCI_MAIN_OBJS := base.o \
rc.o \
debug.o \
regd.o \
efuse.o \
cam.o \
ps.o \
core.o \
pci.o \
rtlwifi-objs += $(PCI_MAIN_OBJS)
$(MAKE) -C $(KSRC) M=$(PWD) modules
@cp $(SYMBOL_FILE) rtl8192se/
@make -C rtl8192se/
install: all
find /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r) -name "r8192se_*.ko" -exec rm {} \;
$(shell rm -fr $(MODDESTDIR))
$(shell mkdir $(MODDESTDIR))
$(shell mkdir $(MODDESTDIR)/rtl8192se)
@install -p -m 644 rtlwifi.ko $(MODDESTDIR)
@install -p -m 644 ./rtl8192se/rtl8192se.ko $(MODDESTDIR)/rtl8192se
@depmod -a
@#copy firmware img to target fold
$(shell [ -d "$(FIRMWAREDIR)/`uname -r`" ] && cp -fr firmware/rtlwifi/ $(FIRMWAREDIR)/`uname -r`/.)
$(shell [ ! -d "$(FIRMWAREDIR)/`uname -r`" ] && cp -fr firmware/rtlwifi/ $(FIRMWAREDIR)/.)
$(shell [ -d "$(MODDESTDIR)" ] && rm -fr $(MODDESTDIR))
@depmod -a
@#delete the firmware img
@rm -fr /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/
@rm -fr /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/rtlwifi/
rm -fr *.mod.c *.mod *.o .*.cmd *.ko *~
rm -fr .tmp_versions
rm -fr Modules.symvers
rm -fr Module.symvers
rm -fr Module.markers
rm -fr modules.order
rm -fr tags
@find -name "tags" -exec rm {} \;
#@make -C rtl8192ce/ clean
@make -C rtl8192se/ clean
#@make -C rtl8192de/ clean
(Worked for me)
valentinmauro, please edit your post.
When pasting code, please use [ code ] tags
like this
It makes the code more readable and more convenient to scroll through.
Thanks for the suggestion valentinmauro. I was able to get wifi working by compiling the module using the modification you suggested. Unfortunately, this caused a new issue, which is that the kernel randomly locks up a few minutes after using the driver. I figured this might be a contention issue between the stock kernel driver and the compiled one but according to lsmod the stock driver is not running.
Has anyone had any luck getting the standard kernel driver to work?
07:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvA Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)
on my 1201N kernel driver working without prob.
before 3.0 with driver from AUR too.