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The tray icon is built by default, but not installed.
And please build muine with the xine-lib backend.
gStreamer is nice, but too slow (the gap between tracks is too long), uses too much cpu power and gives awful pops when starting/stopping/pauzing
here's my pkgbuild:
#$Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.2 2005/06/13 09:50:15 jgc Exp $
#Maintainer: Jan de Groot <>
#Contributor: Ben Mazer <>
pkgdesc="a music app written in C#"
depends=('gtk-sharp-2' 'libid3tag' 'flac' 'libvorbis' 'faad2' 'dbus-sharp>=0.33' 'xine-lib')
build() {
[ "$GNOMEDIR" = "" ] && . /etc/profile.d/
[ "$MONO_PATH" = "" ] && . /etc/profile.d/
# get rid of .wapi errors in fakeroot
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/weird
export MONO_SHARED_DIR=$startdir/pkg/weird
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome --enable-xine
make || return 1
mkdir -d $startdir/pkg/opt/gnome/lib/muine/plugins
cp $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/plugins/TrayIcon.* $startdir/pkg/opt/gnome/lib/muine/plugins
# housecleaning
rm -rf $startdir/pkg/weird
tea is overrated
you should really just email the maintainer listed at the top of the PKGBUILD
sorry I'll mail the maintainer then, please delete my thread
tea is overrated
sorry I'll mail the maintainer then, please delete my thread
no worries, it's fine 8)
I just thought it might be useful for people to find a quick fix in the forums, in case they experienced the same problems (slowness and pops)
tea is overrated
I just thought it might be useful for people to find a quick fix in the forums, in case they experienced the same problems (slowness and pops)
here's what I would do... obviously the backend thing is an arbitrary decision (gstreamer may work well on other's computers), so, seeing as there's multiple options, I'd modify the PKGBUILD and name it "muine-xine" or something (add 'with Xine Backend' into the description too)
then put that in the AUR: (tar+gz the directory with only the PKGBUILD and upload that)
ah... the static character of PKGBUILDs, sometimes (only sometimes) I wish I had those USE flags
and putting another version in AUR sounds like a bad idea, if everyone started doing this Aur'd be swarming of audacity-gtk2's and such
well anyway, if gstreamer doesn't cause abnormalities, I do recommend adding gst-plugins-vorbis and gst-plugins-mad to the depends() - am I correct to think that muine refuses to play .mp3 and .ogg files otherwise?
tea is overrated
ah... the static character of PKGBUILDs, sometimes (only sometimes) I wish I had those USE flags
and putting another version in AUR sounds like a bad idea, if everyone started doing this...
that's exactly the point though - with the voting feature of the AUR, the maintainer could easilly tell "hmm, the xine backend is much more popular"
the AUR only holds PKGBUILDs anyway, so adding 100 of them like that would be about 20-30K... no big deal, space is cheap 8)
well anyway, if gstreamer doesn't cause abnormalities, I do recommend adding gst-plugins-vorbis and gst-plugins-mad to the depends() - am I correct to think that muine refuses to play .mp3 and .ogg files otherwise?
I have no idea - never touched gstreamer before, nor muine - I use mpd for audio and xine for video... does aplay count too? heh
that's exactly the point though - with the voting feature of the AUR, the maintainer could easilly tell "hmm, the xine backend is much more popular"
People are a bit lazy, they often forget to vote
I think contacting the maintainer directly, or discussing it in the forums is better
just my 2 cents
the AUR only holds PKGBUILDs anyway, so adding 100 of them like that would be about 20-30K... no big deal, space is cheap 8)
true but they'd have to be synced with the 'official' version all of the time ... well, ideally
I have no idea - never touched gstreamer before, nor muine - I use mpd for audio and xine for video... does aplay count too? heh
I fell in love with the 'album' play feature (yes I'm one of those guy's)
tea is overrated
phrakture wrote:that's exactly the point though - with the voting feature of the AUR, the maintainer could easilly tell "hmm, the xine backend is much more popular"
People are a bit lazy, they often forget to vote
I think contacting the maintainer directly, of discussing it in the forums is better
just my 2 cents
The problem is the devs/package maintainers don't read the forums... it goes like this:
forums < arch ML < TU ML < arch-dev ML < bug tracker
if you want to get in touch with them, post it in the bug tracker...
still, posting it in the AUR 'Is A Good Thing'(TM)
The problem is the devs/package maintainers don't read the forums... it goes like this:
forums < arch ML < TU ML < arch-dev ML < bug tracker
but where does Aur stand in that line?
I mean, Aur is great for new packages, but not really if you'd like something (arbitrary or not) changed in a package
tea is overrated
AUR is for user-contributed packages and most packages put into AUR will not be adopted into the [community] repo. As phrakture said, if you want to suggest a change to an offical package, you'd be better off putting the feature request in the bug tracker.
Putting your PKGBUILD in AUR would be useful to help anyone who wants to build the package with the Xine backend but wants to do it without having to hack into a PKGBUILD themselves.
what if they added an 'alternate-version-of-official-package' flag to AUR?
or does that make things only more complicated?
tea is overrated
that seems like more trouble than it's worth.
what if they added an 'alternate-version-of-official-package' flag to AUR?
or does that make things only more complicated?
just make it a different name
There's still a bug open for muine about the required gst-plugins. In the next version that will come out some day when I have time(either -2 or a new upstream version), muine will have the same type of postinstall message as rhythmbox has.
The nice thing about gstreamer is that you can install plugins on the fly, regenerate registry (does that on postinstall/postupgrade), restart your app and it uses the new plugin instantly. With xine, this is not possible without recompiling xine for the new codecs.