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i have a itx board intel d525mw. i am trying to let the eth0 working under netcfg but failed. i try to do 'dhcpcd eth0' but it returned a time out. however, i hand coded the ip address in rc.conf and it works (on intra-net but no internet). it is a headless nas so it is difficult to move it back and fore to my monitor and keyboard.
When hardcoded ip did you also set ip for nameservers in resolve.conf??
just did and it can connect to internet now. but i want to point out that it is not a driver problem (i guess). it must be some setting wrong. i copy the example/ethernet-dhcp to /etc/networks.d/ put the "ethernet-dhcp" in NETWORKS in rc.conf. change network to net-profiles in rc.conf. it should work but it didn't.
In some instances dhclient seems to work better than dhcpd. It did on my netbook anyway.
i guess it is not working, i do 'dhclient eth0' and it cut off my ssh connection. my router did not show any connection either. need to do a hard reset.