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#1 2011-09-07 21:10:53

Registered: 2011-09-07
Posts: 4

Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

Sorry about my ignorance in this topic cuz im not quite similar to it. So here's the thing:
I've recently installed on my laptop a new Archlinux with Xfce 4.8 DE and i was suprised that despite fact that network, sound are fully configured Xfce doesn't display notifications, you know like volume icon, network manager etc. So after reading wiki I realized that I need to install things such networkmanager, volumeicon manually or I can add indicator like in Xubuntu which as if I understand good a part of Ayatana project. And here is the problem I can't install it:

Here's the output of yaourt -S indicator-applet command

==> Continue building indicator-applet ? [Y/n]
==> ------------------------------------------
==> Building and installing package
==> Install or build missing dependencies for indicator-applet:
error: target not found: libindicator3>=0.3.92

Is there anything I can do about it? It feels like it some kind of problem with dependencies as far as I read at Xfce forums

So please, help me solve this problem, Xfce is a perfect DE for me, except that damn notification area. For now I have volumeicon, network manager installed but you know I want everything clearly integrated like that one in Xubuntu wink

PS. Please excuse me for my bad english and trend to construct very complex sentences wink

Last edited by mdarda (2011-09-07 21:17:18)


#2 2011-09-07 21:21:55

the sad clown
From: 192.168.0.X
Registered: 2011-03-20
Posts: 837

Re: Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

Have you tried installing the dependency?  There is probably an option with yaourt that will allow you to use pacman to install dependencies as well (I use aurget, so it would look something like this: yaourt -S --deps indicator-applet).  You will need to check the yaourt manpage for the exact command.

Edit: Sorry, I misunderstood you.  I found the package you needed in the AUR, but it is out of date, hence your problem.  Your only solution is to hope that either the maintainer updates the build or else you can manually edit the PKGBUILD file to reflect the updated package.  The md5sum is already posted on the page for the package:

Last edited by the sad clown (2011-09-07 21:33:34)

I laugh, yet the joke is on me


#3 2011-09-07 21:30:18

Registered: 2011-09-07
Posts: 4

Re: Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

when I hit this command I got

==> indicator-applet dependencies:
 - xdg-utils (already installed)
 - intltool>=0.35.0 (already installed)
 - gnome-panel>=3.0 (package found)
 - libindicator3>=0.3.92 (building from AUR)

The problem is that, sadly there is not such thing as libindicator3 at AUR.


#4 2011-09-07 21:39:37

the sad clown
From: 192.168.0.X
Registered: 2011-03-20
Posts: 837

Re: Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

I edited my response.  You will have to edit the PKGBUILD to reflect the newer package.  It isn't actually that hard.

# Maintainer: mathieui <mathieui(AT)mathieui(DOT)net>
# Contributor: mathieui <mathieui(AT)mathieui(DOT)net>

pkgdesc="A set of symbols and convience functions that all indicators would like to use. (Canonical Ayatana Project)"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
makedepends=('make' 'autoconf')

build() {
  cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver
  ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static

package() {
  cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver
  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

Something like that ought to be all the changes that need to be made.  You can find further instructions here: … g_packages

Last edited by the sad clown (2011-09-07 21:42:02)

I laugh, yet the joke is on me


#5 2011-09-07 22:03:14

Registered: 2011-09-07
Posts: 4

Re: Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

Sorry how can I edit pkgbuild? I need to install libindicator and then modify pkgbuild and install indicator-applet?

EDIT: Ok, got this, thanks

EDIT2: Ok, i edited PKGBUILD and installed new version of libindicator but I still cant install indicator-applet, it shows the same error as previous

Last edited by mdarda (2011-09-08 07:53:36)


#6 2011-09-08 08:35:50

Registered: 2009-03-09
Posts: 74

Re: Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

I think it just won't work. Xfce4-indicator should be built against libindicator 0.3 branch as stated in the xfce forum link you posted before and the AUR page for xfce4-indicator-plugin

I just adapted the PKGBUILD by the sad clown for using the 0.3 branch and managed to build it in my system (i686). You may have to keep libindicator from upgrade to avoid breakage until a new version of the xfce-plugin compatible with 0.4 is released. I also don't think this is the right way to do things but if it works while waiting it could be ok. Maybe my pkgbuild could be polished (for example to create a libindicator3 package) but my knowledge is quite limited although i'm willing to learn smile
Also don't mind my mistakes in english.

Linux makes you a better person


#7 2011-09-08 08:54:56

Registered: 2009-08-27
Posts: 88

Re: Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

mdarda wrote:

Sorry how can I edit pkgbuild? I need to install libindicator and then modify pkgbuild and install indicator-applet?

EDIT: Ok, got this, thanks

EDIT2: Ok, i edited PKGBUILD and installed new version of libindicator but I still cant install indicator-applet, it shows the same error as previous

I suggest that you have a look at this and get the PKGBUILDs from there. The AUR versions might be outdated.


#8 2011-09-08 09:14:54

Registered: 2009-03-09
Posts: 74

Re: Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

Actually i think the pkgbuild i proposed won't help because almost everything in the ayatana world has moved into 0.4 version so it will be a really hard work to even get indicators to build, with a great risk of bugs and breakage as soon as any update will come. If you still try, please tell us if you managed to make it work, but i think it will be better to wait since anyway the ayatana project is not exactly centered on xfce and so this desktop benefits only marginally of their software.

Linux makes you a better person


#9 2011-09-08 09:24:59

Registered: 2011-09-07
Posts: 4

Re: Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

I give up an idea to install all these things from AUR, I downloaded instead packages from launchpad: xfce4-indicator-plugin, indicator-applet, indicator in versions that are oryginally in Xubuntu 11.04.

So compilling libindicator3 from sources just works fine, no problems accured.

But things got complicated when I was trying to install indicator applet, here is output:

configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.12
                          indicator >= 0.3.22) were not met:

No package 'libpanelapplet-3.0' found
No package 'indicator' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables APPLET_CFLAGS
and APPLET_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

I've installed gnome-panel-3.0 but nothing helped with libpanelapplet-3.0 missing package, and also 'indicator' package is missing.. I don't know how to get it, I've got libindicator3 package installed..

My speculations are that problem accurs becouse Indicator in Xubuntu 11.04 using gtk 2.0 and Arch got gtk 3.0 on board.. But on the other hand whole Xfce 4.8 is gtk 2.0 and It's running both applications on 3.0 & 2.0. If I found a solution I'll post it here. Please post your ideas to solve this problem, I think it might be usefull for some people

EDIT: I've just managed to install libindicator3 and indicator-applet. Still fighting with xfce4-indicator-applet. It says that package 'indicator' is not installed.

EDIT: Finally! I have libindicator 0.3.22 and Xfce4-applet-plugin installed. But when I'm compilling indicator-applet I've got following error:

No package 'libpanelapplet-3.0' found

Last edited by mdarda (2011-09-08 10:10:50)


#10 2011-09-09 22:26:20

From: Stockholm, Sweden
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 2,486

Re: Xfce 4.8 + Ubuntu's indicator (Ayatana project)

mdarda, I'm working on fixing the dependency issue from xfce4-indicator-applet with its developer, so you can use the latest libindicator with the latest xfce4-indicator-plugin - and then indicator-applet will built correctly too. I will post the relevant fixes (if it works out) on the AUR page.

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