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#1 2011-09-10 21:06:23

Registered: 2011-03-21
Posts: 15

Xfce4.8 down panel refreshes and is annoying

Hello. I have Xfce4.8 installed and i have that panel down there, for launching apps. The problem is, when i play some videos in SMPlayer, or doing anything, surfing the Internet, it refreshes (nearly all icons on it disappear, and reappear after 2 seconds), while the video hangs for that time (e.g. panel is refreshing 2 seconds and the video is hanging that much) and the sound is going. It happens very often, and it is really annoying. It wasn't happening earlier, how do i fix this ? If needed, i can post xorg.0.log

Thanks in advance smile


#2 2011-09-11 09:36:50

Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 664

Re: Xfce4.8 down panel refreshes and is annoying

It looks as if something is crashing and xfce auto-reloads the panel. A lot of xfce problems are caused by corrupted sessions. Try deleting your session and after that restart x:

rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions/*

Did it happen after you changed something or did an upgrade? If so check out pacman log and downgrade or reverse the change.


#3 2011-09-11 14:21:02

Registered: 2011-03-21
Posts: 15

Re: Xfce4.8 down panel refreshes and is annoying

Thanks for pointing that out. I deleted the contents of that folder, logged out and in again, but it's still happening. The interesting thing is, i have a thumbnail image, big 5 KB and it shows an image from the blank desktop, without any open programs. I have running - dropbox client, screenlets, sylpheed client, wicd, workrave. I don't remember about updating anything and making problems smile


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