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#1 2011-09-15 04:07:32

Registered: 2011-09-14
Posts: 16

Gnome-shell crashes as soon as I try to open any app

This is the first time that I'm trying Arch and I only have one problem, the one that's in the title. I installed lxde and everything is working fine. Video drivers are working great (I can play Team Fortress 2) whit out a problem, and Gnome-shell loads just fine. I can go to Activities, switch desktop, click on the indicators, but as soon as I try to open an app, all crashes. I logged in lxde, opened a terminal and i typed "gnome-shell --replace" to see the outut and this is what I got:

$ gnome-shell --replace
    JS ERROR: !!!   Exception was: Error: Requiring NetworkManager, version none: Typelib file for namespace 'NetworkManager' (any version) not found
    JS ERROR: !!!     lineNumber = '0'
    JS ERROR: !!!     fileName = 'gjs_throw'
    JS ERROR: !!!     stack = '("Requiring NetworkManager, version none: Typelib file for namespace 'NetworkManager' (any version) not found")@gjs_throw:0
    JS ERROR: !!!     message = 'Requiring NetworkManager, version none: Typelib file for namespace 'NetworkManager' (any version) not found'
      JS LOG: NMApplet is not supported. It is possible that your NetworkManager version is too old

Advertencia del gestor de ventanas: Log level 16: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication agent already exists for the given subject

Advertencia del gestor de ventanas: Log level 16: Error registering polkit authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication agent already exists for the given subject (polkit-error-quark 0)

   JS LOG: GNOME Shell started at Wed Sep 14 2011 01:15:36 GMT-0300 (CLST)

Violación de segmento
gnome-shell-calendar-server[9290]: Got HUP on stdin - exiting

If anyone could help me, it would be really great.


#2 2011-09-15 04:55:10

the sad clown
From: 192.168.0.X
Registered: 2011-03-20
Posts: 837

Re: Gnome-shell crashes as soon as I try to open any app

Do you have networkmanager installed?

Nevermind, while that does seem to be an error with nmapplet, it would appear that you also have a problem with policykit.  Are you using a desktop manager to load gnome?

Edit: Eh, nevermind that also.  I'm guessing the bottom two lines is a segmentation fault.  Not sure what is going on with the gnome-shell-calendar-server.  Hopefully someone more familiar with gnome than me shows up to help you.

Last edited by the sad clown (2011-09-15 05:01:50)

I laugh, yet the joke is on me


#3 2011-09-15 04:57:36

Registered: 2009-06-10
Posts: 1,332

Re: Gnome-shell crashes as soon as I try to open any app

the sad clown wrote:

Do you have networkmanager installed?

It's not crashing there; you can see from the output that it sef-faults when trying to access the calendar service.  Something about HUP on stdin.

#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.


#4 2011-09-15 05:02:23

the sad clown
From: 192.168.0.X
Registered: 2011-03-20
Posts: 837

Re: Gnome-shell crashes as soon as I try to open any app

Yeah, caught it myself (albeit slower than you did.

I laugh, yet the joke is on me


#5 2011-09-15 06:08:20

Registered: 2011-09-14
Posts: 16

Re: Gnome-shell crashes as soon as I try to open any app

lifeafter2am wrote:
the sad clown wrote:

Do you have networkmanager installed?

It's not crashing there; you can see from the output that it sef-faults when trying to access the calendar service.  Something about HUP on stdin.

Would disabling the calendar service help? Is it posible?


#6 2011-09-15 06:18:02

Registered: 2011-09-14
Posts: 16

Re: Gnome-shell crashes as soon as I try to open any app

Ok. I fixed it, I'm not sure of what was causing the trouble, and it certainly this isn't the best solution, but I just deleted .gconf and .gnome2. Thanks, anyway.


#7 2011-09-15 13:50:24

Registered: 2011-09-14
Posts: 16

Re: Gnome-shell crashes as soon as I try to open any app

I know I said I fixed it, but I found what's the problem. If I try to set the window decorations to be in the left side, instead of the right size, everything would crash. Should I file a bug?


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