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#1 2011-09-20 04:52:52

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2007-05-15
Posts: 9

[solved] KERNEL 3.0, Logitech Keyboard stopped working

I got a strange error. I only have a Logitech DiNovo Edge Keyboard and it is working fine. When I boot the install media (the latest one), everything is working properly. But once installed, when I boot Arch, the keyboard is not working anymore on the terminal.
I checked the dmesg and kernel.log, but could not find anything strange. I also tried to add 'hid_logitech' in the MODULES section on rc.conf - doesn't work either...
anybody any ideas?
thank you

Last edited by iluva (2011-09-22 22:15:27)


#2 2011-09-20 20:01:49

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2010-07-04
Posts: 45

Re: [solved] KERNEL 3.0, Logitech Keyboard stopped working

As you state dmesg doesn't show anything strange my guess is you have bluez installed. This could set the receiver in HCI mode which means it's a dumb bluetooth dongle, instead of a HID device (a keyboard and/or mouse). If you have bluez installed, uninstall it or remove /lib/udev/rules.d/97-bluetooth-hid2hci.rules (or at least comment the Logitech relevant part, which are the two lines following the "Logitech devices" comment). Bluez doesn't have to be running, the udev rules are enough to set the receiver in HCI mode. Another possibility is of course checking if there is any bluetooth dongle connected (the receiver) and trying to connect the keyboard.


#3 2011-09-22 22:16:53

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2007-05-15
Posts: 9

Re: [solved] KERNEL 3.0, Logitech Keyboard stopped working

thank you.
I found the solution to, before deleting  /lib/udev/rules.d/97-bluetooth-hid2hci.rules I added a hci connect command in rc.local which connected my keyboard through BT to the dongle, but deleting  /lib/udev/rules.d/97-bluetooth-hid2hci.rules worked perfectly fine.
Thank you very much


#4 2011-09-23 07:05:39

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2010-07-04
Posts: 45

Re: [solved] KERNEL 3.0, Logitech Keyboard stopped working

Yes, it's all the same problem. Bluez sets the receiver in HCI mode so the keyboard isn't connected to the (HID) receiver and you have to connect it using the (bluetooth) software. I just thought removing bluez (or at least the udev hid2hci rules) was less work to test it and less error prone then connecting it (using the command line)


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