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Too small font, specially in terminal
Haha! now you mention it, there's a few sizes going on eh? Think I'll sort that! I have a thread on the go about problems switching fonts as it happens.
Nexus7, sorry for the late reply. I use dzen for the top and conky for the bottom.
My xmonad config file: traybar at the top: the bar at the bottom:'s been a few months since I effectively wrote most of this though so it may not be the most efficient way of doing things.
And the wallpaper ( is from the anime series called Shiki.
EDIT: pastebinned everything to reduce code clutter.
Hey Aeva, why sorry for being "late"? -- I had posted just about 1-2 hours before. Even "blame" it on me that I wouldn't recognise your post earlier.
Thanks very much for code and wall!
we are Arch.
you will be assimilated!
resistance is futile!
possiblefool wrote:Made myself an Arch wallpaper and custom gtk theme today, hope you all aprove. This install started as LXDE but Im more or less down to openbox now....
Too small font, specially in terminal
I guess not all of us approve.
I laugh, yet the joke is on me
anabolikas wrote:possiblefool wrote:Made myself an Arch wallpaper and custom gtk theme today, hope you all aprove. This install started as LXDE but Im more or less down to openbox now....
Too small font, specially in terminal
I guess not all of us approve.
Haha, what is there to approve of? Find what you like and just use it.
the sad clown wrote:anabolikas wrote:Too small font, specially in terminal
I guess not all of us approve.
Haha, what is there to approve of? Find what you like and just use it.
I personally like the theme although if I used it, I would probably make the text just a little bit lighter
Last edited by cra1g321 (2018-02-18 19:36:32)
Trying to see what I can get without X.This is in tty1:
Can You share colors? And tell me please how you've made tty look like this. I mean the font.
Last edited by anabolikas (2011-09-25 10:35:40)
Trying to see what I can get without X.This is in tty1:
What's that "color-testing-pacman-script"?
And your zsh-prompt, please.
Ah, and do you use colorwrapper...?
Last edited by nexus7 (2011-09-25 11:30:39)
we are Arch.
you will be assimilated!
resistance is futile!
nixfag wrote:Trying to see what I can get without X.This is in tty1:
Can You share colors? And tell me please how you've made tty look like this. I mean the font.
Just a guess but they could be using fbterm, it allows you to change the fonts and use a 256 colour pallete.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
No,I used CONSOLEFONT in rc.conf.
How do you work with dwm on multiple monitors?
What do you mean?
I usually put social stuff and entertainment on other screen while doing work or reading internet on other.
I also have created fakedisp interface for wine that lets me play fullscreen games on one monitor without shutting another, and also without changing resolutions.
If you mean controls, you select monitor with hotkeys, and control windows on that monitor with hotkeys.
You can also use mouse too, but that's pretty awkward in vanilla dwm, and I've made it fit more my needs whenever I feel using mouse.
Switched from jumanji to uzbl because of jumanji's instability on my 64Bit-System, also some changes to the dzen2-panel(s)
nixfag wrote:No,I used CONSOLEFONT in rc.conf.
And what font you used, please?
Erusfont.It's the tiniest font packaged on arch linux that works in framebuffer.
No,I used CONSOLEFONT in rc.conf.
So wouldn't You share the config?
Last edited by cra1g321 (2018-02-18 19:34:54)
Recent changes to dwm:
Awesome desktop
what are you using to show the song info and album art ?
Cloudef wrote:Recent changes to dwm: desktop
what are you using to show the song info and album art ?
It's conky. Configs are at my github page.
nixfag wrote:No,I used CONSOLEFONT in rc.conf.
So wouldn't You share the config?
Config for what?