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#1 2011-09-26 19:56:00

Registered: 2007-12-07
Posts: 1,784

a few questions about improving my awesome wm

Hi there

Just like everytime my installation works too perfect, I get bored and switch around trying other applications.

This time I got bored by i3 (actually v4 also includes some new stuff I don't entirely like), so I thought, why not give awesome a new chance? So I reinstalled it and configured it as far as I got. Up till now I only use vicious to display some system information. But now I'm a bit stuck.

1) How do I make widgets only appear under specific circumstances? E.g. I want to display the free space of an external harddrive, but of course only if it's mounted. Same for (w)lan, I want to display the current up and down rate, but only show the interface I'm currently connected with. With conky this was quite easy with if_mounted and if_up. I could still use conky, of course, but I want to use awesome as real as possible.

2) I usually use mpd connected via a socket (bind_to_address "/var/lib/mpd/socket"), because that way ncmpcpp reacts a LOT faster (scrolling etc). Is the vicious mpd widget not able to handle sockets? I have "export MPD_HOST=/var/lib/mpd/socket" in /etc/profile.d/ (that's where I define global variables, the reason for this isn't important here) so mpc works with the socket. Doesn't seem to be enough. So I try to give vicious the socket path as an argument, where the hostname belongs, still nothing. Does anybody know more about this?

Despite those things I'm really happy with the setup, which of course has to be further improved, which I will do after I've gone a bit deeper. I googled a lot in the past days about the problems described, I couldn't find any useful information.



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