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Developers Needed for the Blackbox WM
Blackbox needs developers desperately.
If you can code anything, from a plugin to an improvement on an old open source build to a completely new build (we wish) than please come in touch with us, either on boxshots/lostinthebox/bb4win
You can help this WM/shell and this community find their rightful place. There is some interest expressed, but we do need more and we need to fight back if we want Blackbox WM to stay afloat. Plus, we would welcome ideas in the lostinthebox forums (yes, they are open to everyone)
Blackbox is the fast, lightweight window manager for the X System you have been looking for, without all those annoying library dependencies.
Blackbox is built with C++ and contains completely original code (even though the graphics implementation is similar to that of WindowMaker).
Fluxbox and Openbox are both, based off of Blackbox.
Blackbox/Fluxbox Forums --
BoxShots --
bb4win --
What is BlackboxWM? --
BlackboxWiki --
Fluxbox Wiki --
HackedBox --
Openbox --
Fluxbox Junkie!! | <Debian> <ArchLinux> | my DeviantART
Wow! That's great news. I always wanted to see Blackbox resurrected. Good luck for this, guys!
Moving to Gnu/Linux discussion to raise a bit more attention.
To know or not to know ...
... the questions remain forever.
Thanks for the 'move' and support, bernarcher
I have made this same post in several of the Linux OS-distro Forums, that I am active in. And gotten some good response, thus far.
As you will come to know, I am an avid Fluxbox user ... Fluxbox is closely based on Blackbox.
I have searched the internets and can find no forums for Fluxbox - and LostintheBox being the only Forum for Blackbox.
Fluxbox is still closely based on Blackbox. Some say that, Fluxbox is the natural progression of Blackbox.
Fluxbox is a basic Blackbox; with a few more things added for user-friendliness.
Not to take anything away from the base-Blackbox build ... the BB-Devs did an awesome job.
I use many of the BB scripts, themes/styles and apps with Fluxbox -- they seems to be pretty much forward and backward compatible.
Openbox, was also, based on Blackbox but has grown more apart/distant from the BB-base, with using and building it's own configs and apps.
Although, Openbox seems to be growing in popularity -- it is not as well documented as Fluxbox is.
I would like to see the Forums become, "the place to go" for everything Blackbox and Fluxbox related.
Last edited by vrkalak (2011-09-19 19:29:00)
Fluxbox Junkie!! | <Debian> <ArchLinux> | my DeviantART
Why not join Fluxbox development?
Why not join Fluxbox development?
Yeah that was also my first thought.
Pages: 1