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#1 2011-09-28 17:35:07

Registered: 2011-04-24
Posts: 47

Weird focus issue with gnome3 and conky

Sometimes it's as if conky 'steals' focus from certain applications. I have a small 12.5' laptop so I want conky to run with own_window_type "desktop", so that it doesn't use up my screen real estate when I fullscreen applications. The problem is that with this variable, usually when I'm looking at an empty desktop with nothing else opened, it will often (not always, I'm unsure why) prevent tilda from receiving it's "trigger" when I press F1, hence depriving me of my terminal. It also precludes the use of Fn+Options, such as screen brightness, the thinklight, etc. When setting the window type to something else, it all works well. Anything I can do to fix this?

EDIT : forgot to mention, the way I "fix" it is usually to open a window, such as a web browser, to change the focus somewhere else, and that gives me back my functions and my tilda.

Here is my conky config. If anyone happens to need a conky config that's a slim black bar at the bottom of the screen, it looks pretty decent.

alignment                 bm
background                no
border_width              0
cpu_avg_samples           5
default_color             white
default_outline_color     white
draw_borders              no
draw_graph_borders        no
draw_outline              no
draw_shades               yesand
default_shade_color	  black
use_xft                   yes
xftfont                   Sans:size=10
xftalpha                  1
gap_x                     0
gap_y                     0
minimum_size              1366 0
maximum_width             0
net_avg_samples           1
no_buffers                yes
out_to_console            no
own_window                yes
own_window_class          Conky
own_window_type           desktop
own_window_transparent    no
own_window_color	  black
own_window_hints          undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
#own_window_argb_visual    yes
#own_window_argb_value     130
update_interval           0.5
uppercase                 no
use_spacer                no
use_spacer                no
double_buffer             yes
short_units               yes
pad_percents              1
text_buffer_size          1024
temperature_unit          celsius
default_bar_size  	  42 8

${kernel} Linux | Uptime ${uptime} | CPUs ${cpubar cpu1} ${cpubar cpu2} ${cpubar cpu3} ${cpubar cpu4} ${hwmon temp 1}C | Mem $mem/$memmax | /root ${fs_free /} | /home ${fs_free /home} | Wireless is up on wlan0 (${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}%) | Download ${downspeed wlan0} (${totaldown wlan0}) | Upload ${upspeed wlan0} (${totalup wlan0})

Last edited by bolshevik (2011-09-28 17:37:07)


#2 2011-09-28 19:59:44

Registered: 2011-09-02
Posts: 58

Re: Weird focus issue with gnome3 and conky

Try commenting out own_window_hints.

When I moved to GNOME 3, I experienced the same problem, although my grip was the inability to use ctrl+alt+up/down if I stayed on an empty desktop with conky running.


#3 2011-09-28 20:55:46

Registered: 2011-04-24
Posts: 47

Re: Weird focus issue with gnome3 and conky

That actually sort of works as it prevents tilda from losing focus, but it doesn't fix the functions button which is still disabled on an empty desktop.


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