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Ok. I want to try out FreeBSD. It requires a primary partition. Arch is using all four: /boot, /home, /, and extended (containing swap, Ubuntu, Debain, and Fedora).
I want to move the /boot partition into /. This is my plan:
0. Backup
1. Boot Ubuntu live USB.
2. copy the contents of the /boot partition into the / partition (in the boot folder, of course)
3. Delete the original /boot partition
4. Move the / partition to the beginning of the drive.
5. Reinstall grub to that partition.
6. Take /boot partition out of /etc/fstab
7. Pray
8. Reboot
9. ????
10. Profit (aka: get my FreeBDS mojo on or crash and burn in the process.)
Last edited by ninjaaron (2011-09-30 00:18:19)
I don't see any problems and would do exactly that, in your situation.
Satisfied users don't rant, so you'll never know how many of us there are.
In case you want to use your old config file you have to update your boot.cfg / menu.lst and apply /boot prefix in your menu entries for the correct path.
Ah. Right. I'm using Grub2 with os-prober, so it should be able to sort that out itself... I think, and initially I'll be installing grub2 from the Ubuntu live USB, so I don't think it will actually use the Grub config files on that partition until I actually renistall it from Arch. I've had to reinstall grub waaaaay more times than I care to admit, so that's at least one program I understand fairly well.
Last edited by ninjaaron (2011-09-30 10:25:14)
I would backup all files to an external hd (or internal backup hd, which would be a lot faster), recreate partitions from scratch and copy all the files back. Moving partitions takes a lot of time and if things go belly up midway you are screwed, unless the data you have stored in the disk is not important.
I don't know if this will work but fixparts (in extra/gptfdisk package) can change a primary partition to logical and vice-versa. See .
My new forum user/nick name is "the.ridikulus.rat" .
Personally if I was only trying it out to get an idea of what it's about I would install virtualbox and run it as a virtual machine.