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I recently had a problem using a new keyboard
My solution was to get a list of loaded modules that were loaded when I boot from a USB distro that worked with the keyboard, and compare it to the list of modules I was loading in Arch. Then I blacklisted all of the arch modules that didn't overlap with my other linux, and specifically loaded the modules that were in the other distro.
Now to figure out exactly which module was causing the conflict or failing to load will take some time and effort.
This got me thinking, are there any tools to help with isolating problem modules? Either from the bootloader, a setting in modprobe.d or something else?
Features I'm thinking of are:
bootloader options
1. boot with the bare minimum modules
2. prompt at boot before loading each module
already booted:
1. something that would unload a module, wait N seconds for the user to confirm it's ok, and if the user does not confirm, reload the module. Similar to what happens when you change your display settings and it reverts to the old settings if the user doesn't give any input.
2. something similar for loading new modules, but I can't really imagine it at the moment.
I guess that's all that comes to mind for now, but something like this would be very useful:
1. would make it faster to isolate problems
2. would reduce error, because isolation requires a very disciplined approach to make sure you don't miss a combo.
So ya, does anything like that exist?
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