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#1 2011-10-03 00:32:03

Registered: 2011-07-30
Posts: 39

fglrx causes computer to crash

Hey guys.

I recently updated the driver for my Radeon graphics card to the proprietary drivers due to some weird issues I encountered with OpenBox and GTK. Those issues went away, but for some reason, I now cannot change my resolution to higher that 1280x900ish or so (I have a 1920x1080 monitor). I have been trying to use my own 10-monitor.conf file, but when I specify that the card uses the fglrx driver, the computer crashes (or X does, not sure). After the crash, there is no way to view logs (can't switch to other terminals), and I have to turn the computer off with the hard shutdown button.

Any ideas? Much appreciated.


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