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My screensaver always turn off screen after 10 minutes.
I tried the following methods:
System settings -> screen, set turn off after 1 hour, or 30 mins, no luck
xset s off # no luck
xset -dpms # no luck
disable gnome-screensaver daemon, no luck
there was a gnome-shell-extension, presentation mode, also doesn't seem to work for gnome 3.2
I also noticed that the screen turns completely off. Thus maybe it's not gnome-screensaver, because gnome-screensaver will display a clock. I am not sure is it a bug of gnome 3.2, or other components on my computer turns off the screen. Any ideas? Thank you!
Last edited by tririver (2011-10-03 11:22:27)
I'm having this problem too, kinda sucks!
Now I had a solution: (seems to me the second line is the most important)
xset s off # Disable X windows screen saver (timeout 0)
xset s 0 0 # (timeout 0, cycle 0)
xset -dpms # Disable display power management system
You can use 'xset q' to see the current settings e.g.
DPMS (Energy Star):
Standby: 600 Suspend: 600 Off: 600
DPMS is Disabled
and check what 'xset s 0 0' does.