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WMFS, clean and fake busy:
Beautiful wallpaper, do you mind to share? Would appreciate it.
Last edited by inch (2011-10-04 19:52:54)
A journalist wanted to take some pictures of my tattoos for a story he's working on. They turned out nice.
Scrotwm. I'm also playing with herbstluftwm at the moment. It's a beast. No less German in design than in name. Not a wm for the faint of heart (and, as it turns out, my heart might be a tad to faint for it).
A journalist wanted to take some pictures of my tattoos for a story he's working on. They turned out nice.
Scrotwm. I'm also playing with herbstluftwm at the moment. It's a beast. No less German in design than in name. Not a wm for the faint of heart (and, as it turns out, my heart might be a tad to faint for it).
Care to share .Xdefaults?
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
A journalist wanted to take some pictures of my tattoos for a story he's working on. They turned out nice.
Scrotwm. I'm also playing with herbstluftwm at the moment. It's a beast. No less German in design than in name. Not a wm for the faint of heart (and, as it turns out, my heart might be a tad to faint for it).
Care to share .Xdefaults?
Here's my .Xresources:
I have different bindings for launching transparent and opaque terminals, so this particular terminal was launched with this command:
urxvtc -tr -sh 40 -fg rgb:bb/bb/bb
Here's a more exact picture from several days ago of what you're getting:
By the way, if you're curious abou the font, it's my design
I'm flattered you should ask. Link to the UI font is above.
If your talking about the tattoo fonts (which I suppose you are not), I designed those too, but they aren't complete charsets, as I only did the letters which I would be getting inked. I'm actually am considering doing ttf fonts based on the vector traces I did for the tats (which are based on an ancient inscription and an ancient codex), but they will be for Hebrew and Greek. I should track down some nice latin inscriptions and fill out the set so it's useful for writing English as well.
But that isn't what you're talking about anyway.
Last edited by ninjaaron (2011-10-04 22:00:02)
Unia wrote:Care to share .Xdefaults?
Here's my .Xresources: have different bindings for launching transparent and opaque terminals, so this particular terminal was launched with this command:
urxvtc -tr -sh 40 -fg rgb:bb/bb/bb
Here's a more exact picture from several days ago of what you're getting: the way, if you're curious abou the font, it's my design
Tried your package on AUR, but it fails with md5sums. Tried to download sources myself and did makepg --skipinteg, fails to create package.
Tried your package on AUR, but it fails with md5sums. Tried to download sources myself and did makepg --skipinteg, fails to create package.
I didn't do the package, so you may want to contact the maintainer about that. I just drop the .bdf files in .fonts and update the cache, and it's good to go.
The breakage might have to do with the tarballs that I stupidly put inside of the repo. I'm trying to remove them right now, but I'm a total newb at git, so I'm not sure how to take them down.
Ok, google told me how. Not sure if this will fix the packaging issue or not. I'm better with the arty farty stuff that actual software issues, so I really don't know what I'm doing with git or packages or code or whatever. I really have no business running Arch in the first place.
Last edited by ninjaaron (2011-10-04 22:38:14)
With Archey
Without Archey
Currently have both XFCE and OpenBox installed but using XFCE for now.
Nothing special though.
Last edited by sm222 (2011-10-05 12:11:32)
Here's my KDE screenshots. This is basically the system I've grown comfortable with, and haven't changed it in quite a while, though from time to time I get an urge to try out other things...
This is the plain view of my desktop. All you notice is the top bar with lancelot, app-menu, kwin buttons, cpu monitor, memory monitor, network monitor, and digital clock.
Can't remember where I got the wall paper. Just search for steampunk wallpaper, you'll find it.
Icons is KFaenza.
Theme is Product.
Color Scheme is Product-light
Showing off chromium - viewing this thread, and kopete.
One of the things I liked about gnome3 shell, is that I was less distracted by the notification pop-ups that would aggravatingly appear over my window controls. You see, I like a top panel approach, but the notifications coming down from the top just got in my way. So, taking a cue from Gnome3, I made a bottom bar of small size, auto-hiding, and put in the pager, a spacer, and the system tray with all of it's aggravating notifications. Works great for me.
The left screen, auto-hiding bar is of course holding the application launcher/task bar hyrid (Icon Only Taskmanager), and the activities button and trash can... though sadly I haven't made a large use of activities yet.
Gnome 3 taught me to love virtual desktops. KDE4's desktop grid gave me that Gnome3's ease of use in a more customizable, and IMO eloquent manner. Not only can I have a default amount of desktops, I can easily add and remove them from the - and + buttons, and of course move applications and windows around in the grid view, which I have set to a hot-corner, the bottom right. Top Left made no sense to me as that is where my menus are, so going to access my menu and instead zooming out was aggravating. At the bottom right though, it's all good... at least for me.
HTOP got some cpu spike going on, with me running clemintime, song change, and everything else. Typically I am using less than 20% total CPU, and minimal memory usage for most tasks. Almost wasteful really... lol.
Legends of Nor'Ova - role playing community devoted to quality forum-based and table-top role play, home of the Legends of Nor'Ova Core Rule Book and Legends of Nor'Ova: Saga of Ablution steam punk like forum based RPG
DE/WM hopping again.
Back to XFCE4 + compiz
Last edited by stealthy (2011-10-05 20:28:57)
clipodder-git A small simple cron-friendly podcast downloader, with support for arbitrary user defined media types (pdf, html, etc...)
Gnome 3.2 / fallback + compiz ... stripped down, no pulseaudio, network manager, gnome-shell or any of that stuff.
minimalist gnome environment (lol. that's an oxymoron)
The theme is Blapple GTK3 theme (3.2 theme). I just fixed and did a mass revision of my theme, and then applied the gtk2-dragmenu patches to gtk 2.24.6 ~ so that in gtk2 i can grab menus to move windows like in Gtk3 (which i require for a theme that has the window decoration and menu seamlessly blended into one.
Nice. black. shinny Gnome-System-Monitor was a quick hack, changed the hard-coded colors and styling of the graph, phattened up the graph lines too. it matches much better than the original..
...and my plain desktop, with a zillion Arch logo's looming;
Last edited by triplesquarednine (2011-10-06 03:52:56)
Using Archbang + GnomeShell