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Hi All,
Arch rocks! And just make the thread even longer.
hello....old rh, ubuntu, tried sabayon, chakra, bsd, etc....but it seems that arch is something that i like a lot.
Hi everyone! I've been using Arch for a couple years now, and it's taught me everything I know about *-nixes. I've been leeching off the forums and excellent wiki for so long now, I figured it's time I better jump into the fray.
Sup, guys, I'm a chilean CS student. I've been using ArchLinux over a year now and it just gets better and better. I started with Gnome but now I'm using DWM and I can't get any more comfortable with all the simplicity. I'm not planning in changing my GNU/Linux distribution any time soon and I'm really looking forward to joining the community with package developing.
Having been in the IT industry for some 15 years, I've been through many versions of linux. Recently I made the switch from Fedora 15 to Arch Linux, and have to say, I wish I came here instead of Fedora from Ubuntu a few years ago... I now run all my computers with Arch and use VirtualBox to run windows. I wrote a little about it on my blog awhile back on how to run windows in linux. Needless to say, my background and moving through the novice Linux's gave me the foundation to build Arch Linux the way I need. Thank you to the development team for this excellent basic linux package. It's what I have been looking for all along, just didn't know it! So I hope to be a helper, contrubuter, and eventually would like to help in development of this fine linux distribution.
Hello all, I'm a fairly longtime Ubuntu user who longed for something lightweight. I have quite a lot of user-level experience from working with old-school Unix variants back from uni days (SunOS), so I decided to make the plunge to Arch Linux.
Here's a tip: it's probably not a good idea to move over to Arch just as some major things are happening in your life, i.e. the birth of your first child!!! I really couldn't have timed it any worse. Thankfully though, through a careful balancing act, the system is gradually reaching a state of normalcy, regularity in input and output... and my Arch installation isn't doing so bad either :-D :-D
Hello everyone. Greetings from Sarajevo I finally manage to install Arch and I am delighted with my new OS. Previously I used Fedora(my first ever linux distro), opensuse, ubuntu... But Arch ROCKS
I am using Arch sice 1st October and everyting(ok, almost everything
) works just fine. I want to say THANK YOU GUYS for making such great distro.
having a good saturday night, rockin on some cannibal corpse, dont knwo why, and some sepultura, some master of pupppets, etc... home made margaritas on the mix since i had a kick for some beers and didnt have any. so, heres reltated to the topic, HELLO EVERYONE, buaaaaa haaaaahaaaaaa
Welcome to Arch Forums anshumanb
Last edited by wolfdogg (2011-10-09 08:40:13)
Hello everyone! Just another new Arch user here. I'm Diamondhead , from China (studying in India ) and I'm 21.
I just wanna say I love the way Arch rocks!
Hello everyone! Just another new Arch user here. I'm Diamondhead , from China (studying in India ) and I'm 21.
I just wanna say I love the way Arch rocks!
Welcome to Arch Linux Diamonhead, hope you have a good stay
having a good saturday night, rockin on some cannibal corpse, dont knwo why, and some sepultura, some master of pupppets, etc... home made margaritas on the mix since i had a kick for some beers and didnt have any. so, heres reltated to the topic, HELLO EVERYONE, buaaaaa haaaaahaaaaaa
Dude, it's Sunday now! Time to stop drinking.
Hello. I just wanted to formally join the forum and post a quick hello.
I've used Arch Linux for over two years and it's easily the greatest distribution there is. I've used just about every major distribution at one time or another and nothing comes close to Arch Linux in my opinion.
A big thank you to everyone involved in Arch linux .
Hello All!
I just installed Arch with E17 on my netbook, and I couldn't be happier!! I used Ubuntu for years, then switched to CrunchBang, but I still wanted more. Now I am happy with the full customization of Arch.....
Hi everyone.
I just came over from *buntu land. Thought I'd see how "Real" Linux was all done. Arch kinda takes me back to when I first tried Red Hat back in 2001. But I've been using Ubuntu for three years now, so I'm pretty comfortable with the ins and outs (although the directory structure is still over my head, and I have to look up commands all the time). I'm posting this from a 2 day old installation running Gnome 3.2.
Main reason for switching: rolling-release format. Always on the bleeding edge. :-D
Hi everyone,
i switched to linux a few months ago, but wasn't quite happy with debian on my notebook (on my desktop computer i still have it).
Wanted a bit of a more up-to-date system for my notebook and ubuntu wasn't quite my philosophy (reminded me too much of windows).
So i am a fan of functionality and therefore archlinux is perfect.
Now on my notebook i have archlinux with openbox and i like it very much so far.
Maybe nobody will read it when i say it here, but: The documentation of arch (archwiki) ist just awesome!
Having no problem to look for information on the internet and considering the good documentation of archwiki (which helped me to solve every problem i ran into so far), you hopefully might here the next time of me on this forum when helping somebody or contributing something to it, rather than annoy any members here
Also thinking about contributing to archwiki translating english pages to german, but don't know if i'll have the time, so can't say for sure so far.
Also i am planning on study computer science here in germany
So please keep up the good work!!!
Greetings, _ari
Hello, everyone.
I am a blind user, and I have used Ubuntu for nearly the past five years. I took some UNIX/Linux courses back in 2005, and I just fell in love with Linux and all that it stands for. I have been wanting to learn more about Linux from the sysadmin perspective, but for the past years I have just used Ubuntu as a desktop system. I have read a lot about Arch Linux, and I really would like to use it as the main distro for my home PC.
I am looking forward to getting to know you all, and to being a help wherever I can. I am still a bit of a novice with Linux, in my opinion, but I am looking forward to learning.
HELLO, and take care!
Hello, everyone.
I am a blind user, and I have used Ubuntu for nearly the past five years. I took some UNIX/Linux courses back in 2005, and I just fell in love with Linux and all that it stands for. I have been wanting to learn more about Linux from the sysadmin perspective, but for the past years I have just used Ubuntu as a desktop system. I have read a lot about Arch Linux, and I really would like to use it as the main distro for my home PC.
I am looking forward to getting to know you all, and to being a help wherever I can. I am still a bit of a novice with Linux, in my opinion, but I am looking forward to learning.
HELLO, and take care!
There's at least one blind TU who maintains dozens of packages in the repos and in the AUR so if such a feat is possible then maintaining your own system shouldn't be a problem.
Good luck and have fun with Arch.
I started moving away from Windows about 2 years ago and dipped my toe into the 'nix world with Ubuntu. I instantly fell in love with Linux. I found Ubuntu to be very 'bloated' though and ended up fighting against it quite a bit, so I started shopping around.
I found Arch. I won't lie, at first it was a nightmare, being the rookie that I was. I must have gone through two dozen reformats (my poor SSD!) before I felt comfortable, and tried all major window managers/desktop environments. I kept pushing though, and it has been a very rewarding experience.
This is an amazing distro, and I am quite grateful to everyone who has put their time and resources into developing it.
Hello everyone,
I'm 28 and a PhD student in Germany.
I'm not new to Linux but new to Arch. Tried so far (in this order) SuSe, Gentoo, (K)ubuntu and now Arch. Arch is just rocks, I'm totally loving it.
My personal highligts of arch (in no specific order):
- rolling release
- the install doc
- the wiki
- pacman (is really fast, feels 3times faster than apt...)
- AUR -- though, a nicer integration with pacman would be nice. I'm using yaourt though, which is pretty cool.
- fast releases (kde 4.7 took about 2 weeks to hit the official repos)
Thanks everyone for this great distro and keep rocking.
- AUR -- though, a nicer integration with pacman would be nice. I'm using yaourt though, which is pretty cool
Unlikely: … 54#p828254
I'm a newbie to Arch-- 5 days old.
was using fedora for a more than a year,i felt i learnt more during installation than i learnt the whole year with fedora.
arch does live up to its expectations.
arch wiki is the best.i never needed to go search for anywhere else.
i wish they get the package signing thing done with the pacman 4.0 release.
Hey guys, New Blood here..
Been an ubuntu user from the start (2004), but it's going downhill (yes I know, not the place for an ubuntu rant), so I thought I'd finally take the plunge and "That's it, I'm moving to Arch"™, so here I am.
I haven't actually installed Arch yet - I'm at home, ill, and I've just upgraded my parents' computer to ubuntu 11.10. I'm so annoyed by all the regressions that I've done a quick bit of research into Arch and decided to actually move to it.
I'll begin the installation as soon as I'm back home in London.
Hope it lives up to expectations.. apparently it does.
Bite me.
Ubuntu 11.10 user migrating to Arch
Hello everyone, a n00b here. This is Aditya from India. A mechanical engineering student.
I've been a Windows user since I actually touched computers. But a friend of mine introduced me to the world Linux. The world of freedom. I used Ubuntu in the starting days. Then again switched back to W7. But my hard drive gave up on me recently. I got a new 2TB HDD now. Had decided to go for linux and nothing else. Installed Xubuntu, it had a few bugs. The same friend then asked me move to Arch. Now I'm on Arch with Xfce. And I must say I'm really really impressed on how fast the system works. I'm spending a lot of time reading Wiki.
Arch is the way to go! Arch FTW!!!
Last edited by adduu (2011-10-14 04:29:59)