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Switched to kde3.4 today. Some apps are crashing, wich is pretty annoying.
When started from command line they give this error:
symbol lookup error: /opt/kde/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN12QProgressBarD2Ev is right where it's supposed to be, so I don't understand the problem.
Can somebody help?
Did you follow the KDE Upgrade Guide?
I have nothing to say, and I am saying it.
yes you probably have not run pacman -Syu and only pacman -S kde right?
you need the latest packages not only the kde packages.
I have problems with kde 3.4. I removed .kde* but the problem persist.
When i maximize a kde app like kcontrol or k3b mi computer hangs and i have to reset by buton
I reinstalled kde, but nothing.
Is posible to know the integrity of packages?
yes you probably have not run pacman -Syu and only pacman -S kde right?
you need the latest packages not only the kde packages.
Right I did only '-S' gonna try '-Suy' right now.
Thanks for the relpy.