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#1 2011-03-08 04:23:04

From: San Cristobal,Venezuela
Registered: 2011-02-22
Posts: 132

Heuristic search C++

Hi there

I need your help with heuristic search, im learning c++ and right now i cant understand it :s

Im going to make a game like 4-in-a-row, and the best way is to use heuristic search, but i dont have anything about it...neither teoric nor practical. I know that i can find material over the web but i cant find anything about c++, if you can please post some examples(theorical or practical) if you can smile

I'm consider myself at low level( I'm just beggining with my studies)
In c++, i know how to use:

-Basic programing xD
-OOP (maybe not, is hard to master this)
-Lists, stacks and queues
-UI(with the help of some tools, like wxwidgets...but i wanna learn Directx or OpenGL)
- maybe more...


Last edited by AurosGamma (2011-03-08 04:38:07)


#2 2011-03-08 04:40:01

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: Heuristic search C++

This seems awful lot like your homework. That's a no-no here at the bbs. … e#Homework


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There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


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