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I'm not much of a Linux-expert, although I try my best becoming one, so please be patient with me.
Yesterday I tried Ubuntu 11.04 beta and I was just shocked from the new GUI. I read somewhere that Ubuntu's Unity or something made the new Gnome GUI a lot worse, so I decided to give it a try with Arch.
I made a fresh install and as usual I followed the beginner's guide, etc. When everything seemed to be done, I started exploring the new things and while doing so I read about gnome-tweak-tool and dconf-editor and wanted to try them.
This is when I encountered my first problems. Changing the gnome-terminal keys worked fine, but anything else like showing the date on the clock, middle click on the title bar for minimizing the window did not.
I tried it using sudo, did not work.
The same thing happened when I tried to change the time and date settings to Network Time: ON but just like before with dconf-editor, after closing the window nothing happened, everything was just like before, Network Time was set to OFF.
So, this is my first problem, I can't change things. I don't have any idea what is wrong, but I'd like to know.
The next is that when I made the gnome-terminal's background to transparent, no matter what I tried to do, it did not work as intended (or as I imagine it should be). It was as if a black wall would be behind the white background of the window.
I saw this happening some time ago when I tried XFCE and the composition was turned off, but now in Gnome 3 everything seems to work fine, cool transparency behind the Applications on the Activities(?) panel, animated effects, windows maximizing when pulled to the top of the screen.
I know (or rather I think) that instead of Compiz, Gnome 3 uses Mutter, but I can't find any configuration for that.
So if anyone familiar with Gnome 3 could help me, I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance,
Please start threads in the appropriate forums. Gnome3 is still in testing.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Please start threads in the appropriate forums. Gnome3 is still in testing.
Sorry, I will do so next time.
Wonder, thanks.
Well, after some searching on the net I think the problem is on my side, I guess I failed to install something that's not in the Gnome 3 install guide, because for example I miss almost everything in dconf-editor. Insignificant things like shell in desktop / gnome. ^^'
Last edited by fema (2011-04-10 16:07:38)
Sorry for double post, tho I don't think I will try to ask anything anymore.
I reinstalled arch linux with gnome 3, but I still have my mentioned first problem.
Dconf-editor seems missing some options I need. I made a screenshot just to make it clear what I'm talking about.
Here's the one I found on the internet: … uttons.jpg
Here's mine:
If anyone would happen to feel like looking at them and tell me if it's the same for him, that'd be nice.
you are comparing gconf-editor and dconf-editor. each tool manages different types of schemas, gconf schemas vs gsettings schema.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
you are comparing gconf-editor and dconf-editor. each tool manages different types of schemas, gconf schemas vs gsettings schema.
Thank you.
This problem exists because Gnome 3 draws the drop shadow behind the window as well as around the window. I'm sure at one point they will resolve this. For the time being here is my solution. I use terminator ( as my terminal emulator. Disabling the window borders automatically turns off drop shadows. Therefore you get your transparency back on non maximized terminals. The drawback is that you don't have borders on your terminals or drop shadows around them anymore.
Last edited by othello (2011-04-19 13:24:26)
Don't know if anyone has another solution to this but if you want to use gnome-terminal with transparency you can install aur/mutter-git which includes the fix wonder posted above.