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since the kernel update from 2.6.37 -> 2.6.38 and xorg from 1.9 to 1.10 (they were updated together), I'm experiencing a weird problem with my mouse.
A click with the middle mouse button "catches" my mouse in the window where the click was done: I cannot click outside that window (be it left or right mouse button).
Even after switching windows with Alt+Tab, my mouse is still operating in the first window (e.g. moving the mouse wheel up and down scrolls inside the first, now inactive window).
Only after pressing the middle mouse button again, my mouse is "released" and the usual middle mouse button action is performed (e.g. closing a tab in Opera).
I don't really know how to further investigate this problem, so any help would be very appreciated.
Last edited by EdgarButan (2011-04-13 20:27:43)
Ah, thanks.