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Plasma theme is "Aya".
Terminal emulator is Konsole.
Wallpaper here.
.conkyrc (slightly modified from one I found in the Arch Forum Conky Configs thread but I seem not to have bookmarked exactly where. If it looks like yours, let me know so I can credit you!
double_buffer yes
own_window yes
own_window_transparent no
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
draw_shades no
gap_x 0
gap_y 0
alignment bottom
update_interval 1
default_color 868686
own_window_colour 112030
use_xft yes
xftfont M+ 1mn:pixelsize=10
use_spacer none
minimum_size 1680 0
${voffset -1}${alignc}${color} CPU : ${color ECE9E2}${font}${cpu}%${color}${color} ${cpubar 5,100} RAM : ${color ECE9E2}${font}${memperc}%${color} ${membar 5,100} | ${color}Uptime : ${color ECE9E2}${font}${uptime}${color} | File System: ${color ECE9E2} / ${color}${fs_bar 5,100 /} ${color ECE9E2}/home${color} ${fs_bar 5,100 /home} | ${exec uname -s} ${exec uname -r} "${exec uname -n}" | Upgrades: ${color ECE9E2}${execi 600 /home/ian/bin/}${color} | IP: ${color ECE9E2}${addr eth0}${color} | Desktop ${color ECE9E2}${desktop}${color}
E17 from community packages, ecomorph git from AUR and themes from archlinuxfr.
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
Proud Arch Linux user since 2007.
Last edited by Wintervenom (2011-05-07 05:11:52)
Trying dark theme again and see if I have a luck with it this time, so far all good
Second monitor is tiling, the black hole is there because of different resolution.
Hi! Please share your wallpapers.
Cloudef wrote:Trying dark theme again and see if I have a luck with it this time, so far all good
Second monitor is tiling, the black hole is there because of different resolution.Hi! Please share your wallpapers.
Ha, it's been 2 years since I last posted a screenshot.
Amazing wallpaper! Link please?
"I can't believe it's KDE!"
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
Amazing wallpaper! Link please?
Tried out a few DEs and am still thinking about a nice looking WM, but for now I'm finding myself in love with my gnome 3. I originally set it up for my girlfriend since she's not much into linux stuff (hers auto set in fallback mode due to gnome-shell instability of course) and now I can't escape its beautiful chains!
Last edited by jakerules (2011-05-08 10:59:08)
subtle, still a work in progress
Good one! Is there a place were we can find your configs?
Trying dark theme again and see if I have a luck with it this time, so far all good
Second monitor is tiling, the black hole is there because of different resolution.
How do you get this small anime girl on your taskbar ?
How do you get this small anime girl on your taskbar ?
Macopix is what you are looking for.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
Shaika-Dzari wrote:How do you get this small anime girl on your taskbar ?
Macopix is what you are looking for.
And FTR, that's the vocaloid Hatsune Miku, not an anime character.
oxez wrote:subtle, still a work in progress one! Is there a place were we can find your configs?
Thanks! I've put them here while I'm still configuring git: Probably a bit messy, but I'll clean stuff up once I'm done configuring :>
Still rocking wmii... since 2005! (clean) (dirty)
wmii (ruby) + vim + dotfiles
You, Sir, are a genius.
I'm constantly considering using wmii, and I do, but when I go deeply, I give up and stop using it There's A LOT of configuration options that made me think this is too complex for just using as a normal Window Manager, which is obviously not.
My lame try: … 84#p820384
Here's my Arch Compiz standalone with a mix of GTK3 and GTK2 apps - though I sty to stay on the GTK3 side as much as possible. The amount and looks of themes is coming together pretty nice now. Here you see the slingshot application launcher in use, which gets triggered by moving my mouse in the top left corner. Bottom left/right are for viewport switching and top right is for the expo look. On the bottom I still have an AWN dock to acces my most used apps, apps that are currently open and the system tray. You don't see it because it is on intellihide. Am pretty satisfied with this setup now
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
sunaku wrote:Still rocking wmii... since 2005! (clean) (dirty)
wmii (ruby) + vim + dotfiles
You, Sir, are a genius.
Thanks but really I've had help from many people over the years.
I'm constantly considering using wmii, and I do, but when I go deeply, I give up and stop using it
There's A LOT of configuration options that made me think this is too complex for just using as a normal Window Manager, which is obviously not.
Configuring wmii from scratch can be difficult indeed. Thankfully, my Ruby configuration takes away most of the pain! Try it sometime. Several people use it already.
Your screenshots are impressive.
I like your wmii colorscheme -- do you still have it somewhere in your Git history?
And your external status bar (conky? dzen?) looks fancier than mine (I use wmii's native status bar with Unicode text for icons) but I don't know if yours has the same level of interact-ability (mouse clicks) as wmii's native status bar.
My fresh install... i'm actually getting on quite nicely with Gnome 3 at the minute, but the lack of customization options will either be remedied or find me switching to another wm soon enough. Haven't got weather working yet, and since i don't actually understand lua ('stole' the script from Gnome-Look, edited images, colours and fonts) i haven't given the CPU temp rings, but all in all i'm rather happy with it.