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I'm running simulations on a large cluster which uses heimdal authentication with the requirement of a GSSAPIKeyExchange enabled ssh client. I'm running Ubuntu at work where the shipped openssh is already patched, but Arch (which I use on my laptop) does not seem to have this patch in the openssh package by default.
What's the best way of doing this? As far as I can see, the patch is not released for the current version of openssh in Arch. Are there any problems/security issues related to downgrading the ssh version? Do you know of any pkgbuilds for this purpose?
vanum est vobis ante lucem surgere
Up, I have the same problem.
Ordinarily AL doesn't add patches which are not accepted upstream. If you guys have a relevant usecase, please open a bug report at FYI, Fedora has a patch against openssh 5.9 called openssh-5.9p1-gsskex.patch.
Arch Linux is more than just GNU/Linux -- it's an adventure
pkill -9 systemd
I am new, ould you explain me how can I make the patch under arch
You'll have to recompile openssh. First, download PKGBUILD and other files from … es/openssh. Then, get the patch from Put something like "patch -Np1 -i $srcdir/your.patch" in build() in PKGBUILD and run makepkg which will make you the package installable with pacman -U. However, I wouldn't do this righ tnow since there is a openssl rebuild coming.
The right way is to report the issue on bugtracker/ML. I would do this myself, but I don't have access to krb5 servers with that kind of authentication.
Arch Linux is more than just GNU/Linux -- it's an adventure
pkill -9 systemd
Hey, thanks for the tips. I made an AUR package for 5.7p1 version of openssh, you can try it out:
If you have yaourt installed you can just do it by running run
$ yaourt -S openssh-gssapikeyexchange
Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind
Could this be bumped? The AUR version of the patched ssh which was at latest v6.2p2 is no longer available. Anyone still has it and could upload it?
Could this be bumped?
We would prefer that it wasn't. … bumping.22
Old AUR packages that weren't resubmitted to the new AUR are still available, which may be of use to you.
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