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hi.i'm using arch x86_64 with gnome 3.
when i plug an usb device to my laptop arch hangs and all of devices stop working ( mouse keyboard ...).
i already had this problem and i had fixed it by -Syu.but this time it does not fix.
i'm using kernel 2.6.39 (latest)
in gdm (before logging in to gnome 3 enviroment) plugging usb devices does not occure this problem.
this problem usually happen when i install reinstall or update a package with pacman.
please help to fix this problem!
check your xorg logs and your dmesg output to see if it gives any clues.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Any errors in the logs?
Edit: This is unfair, this forum is biased, because it took like half a minute before my post went through!
Last edited by karol (2011-07-20 19:48:01)
i saw logs.
there is no error in kernel and its components.( as i said this problem does not occur outside gnome enviroment.)
but i couldn't understand xorg logs.
Last edited by shervinkh (2011-07-21 16:35:01)
ok.i discovered the problem.i was using asus-switcheroo for turning off my discrete graphic card (nvidia Optimus which dows not work on linux) and when i disabled asus-switcheroo this problem solved.
but what can i do about turning off discrete graphic?
in this situation i can't use that graphic card but it uses power.
Pages: 1