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I've set up a samba server with a public directory. The problem I run into is that files that users create are unwriteable by others.
I don't really understand masks, and was wondering what the correct masking would be to set up full read/write/create/delete permissions for directories and files.
Does anyone have a sample smb.conf entry I could see? Thanks!
maybe try:
create mask = 0777
you can read more info about masks in the man pages: "man smb.conf"
maybe try:
create mask = 0777
you can read more info about masks in the man pages: "man smb.conf"
Thanks! I had actually gotten everything working fine, but I had some files I had copied over before I figured out the masks thing. I'm just excited that I'll be able to install and configure Linux boxes for a living. Up until now it's been only Windows computers I've felt comfortable recommending to customers.
Ha! I'm breaking free!