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#1 2011-10-25 19:41:34

Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 5

Wifi Broadcom BCM43225 driver


that's my first post on the Arch forum.

I've got an HP DV6 with broadcom BCM43225 firmware. i suffered deconnexion issues while using wireless. I thought it might have come from the brcmsmac driver.
Looking at the Arch site info, I worked out I could try the last broadcom wl driver, the b43 driver or the AUR broadcom-wl package.

- wl from broadcom site (hybrid-portsrc_x86_64-v5_100_82_111): compiled OK.
- b43 (AUR): I installed it but nothing happened when doing "modprobe b43".
- broadcom-wl (AUR) (broadcom-wl I had a kernel panic and removed it.

My question is twofold:
- the wl module after compilation, modprobe lib80211, and insmod wl.ko works fine, but after avery reboot, I can't just modprobe wl (fatal, module not found). I have to insmod it each time. Putting "wl" in /etc/rc.conf MODULES doesn't work (loading modules FAIL at boot). Is there a means to have the module loaded at each boot ?
- the b43 modules doesn't do anything when modprobed. Is that normal ?

Thanks for helping


#2 2011-10-25 19:54:30

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 3,606

Re: Wifi Broadcom BCM43225 driver

b43 requires external firmware (b43-firmware package in AUR) and you need at least kernel 3.1 (it's in [testing] now). Should work with those two. Oh, and so there's no conflicts, you need to blacklist brcmsmac.

Last edited by Gusar (2011-10-25 19:56:15)


#3 2011-10-25 19:56:41

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: Wifi Broadcom BCM43225 driver

grojo wrote:

after avery reboot, I can't just modprobe wl (fatal, module not found). I have to insmod it each time.

That means you didn't run depmod after installing it. Running it now should fix it.

grojo wrote:

the b43 modules doesn't do anything when modprobed.

I'm going to assume you mean that there is no direct response to the modprobe command - that is normal. Have a look at dmesg after modprobing for more details.


#4 2011-10-26 16:17:31

Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 5

Re: Wifi Broadcom BCM43225 driver

As for b43, I'll wait v3.1 of the kernel...

For wl, depmode works, but now I have the kernel panic (taint) at boot.
So i must blacklist wl to get things to work.
I think I'll write a script a have it run at start up...

Thanks for replying.

Last edited by grojo (2011-10-26 16:18:39)


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