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that's my first post on the Arch forum.
I've got an HP DV6 with broadcom BCM43225 firmware. i suffered deconnexion issues while using wireless. I thought it might have come from the brcmsmac driver.
Looking at the Arch site info, I worked out I could try the last broadcom wl driver, the b43 driver or the AUR broadcom-wl package.
- wl from broadcom site (hybrid-portsrc_x86_64-v5_100_82_111): compiled OK.
- b43 (AUR): I installed it but nothing happened when doing "modprobe b43".
- broadcom-wl (AUR) (broadcom-wl I had a kernel panic and removed it.
My question is twofold:
- the wl module after compilation, modprobe lib80211, and insmod wl.ko works fine, but after avery reboot, I can't just modprobe wl (fatal, module not found). I have to insmod it each time. Putting "wl" in /etc/rc.conf MODULES doesn't work (loading modules FAIL at boot). Is there a means to have the module loaded at each boot ?
- the b43 modules doesn't do anything when modprobed. Is that normal ?
Thanks for helping
b43 requires external firmware (b43-firmware package in AUR) and you need at least kernel 3.1 (it's in [testing] now). Should work with those two. Oh, and so there's no conflicts, you need to blacklist brcmsmac.
Last edited by Gusar (2011-10-25 19:56:15)
after avery reboot, I can't just modprobe wl (fatal, module not found). I have to insmod it each time.
That means you didn't run depmod after installing it. Running it now should fix it.
the b43 modules doesn't do anything when modprobed.
I'm going to assume you mean that there is no direct response to the modprobe command - that is normal. Have a look at dmesg after modprobing for more details.
As for b43, I'll wait v3.1 of the kernel...
For wl, depmode works, but now I have the kernel panic (taint) at boot.
So i must blacklist wl to get things to work.
I think I'll write a script a have it run at start up...
Thanks for replying.
Last edited by grojo (2011-10-26 16:18:39)
Pages: 1