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when I move my mouse cursor over the desktop, it uses the Vanilla-DMZ theme, which is what I've set for it to use in the Mouse config GUI in XFCE. But as soon as I bring up the right-click menu, click the panel or move into a window using GTK, the cursor pointer changes to a very plain, black one. However, moving the cursor over a link in a browser, say, the "pointing hand" is the one from DMZ. What is going on? Also, moving the mouse over VLC (which is the only qt app I use at the moment) shows the proper pointer as the empty desktop does.
Output of xrand -query:
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.autohint: 0
Xft.hinting: -1
Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xcursor.theme: Vanilla-DMZ
Xcursor.theme_core: true
Xcursor.size: 0
Thanks for any help!
Last edited by mariusmeyer (2011-12-01 09:16:28)
@RaisedFist: It is a persistent problem over both logins and reboots, I'm afraid...
Okey, I've done some looking around, and it seems to me that X11 only uses the wrong arrow pointer, and only in places where gtk does the job. In VLC, as mentioned, Vanilla-DMZ is used throughout. But in all gtk-apps, be they gtk2 or gtk3, ONLY the basic arrow pointer is swapped for a very plain, black one. The other icons (resize-window, follow links etc.) are still DMZ.
I've made a symlink called default in ~/.icons/ that points to the Vanilla-DMZ folder in /usr/share/icons/, but this didn't help. I've also removed the parts that specify the cursor theme in ~/.config/xfce4/something/xsettings.xml and did a logout-login, but the problem presented just like before, only now xrdb -query reported
Nobody else experienced this before?
What if you put
in ~/.gtkrc-2.0?
Hey VCoolio, thanks for the tip sadly, this didn't work either... I tried reinstalling the theme as well, and have been trying out other themes, but I can't get rid of this problem I'll install openbox and see if it occurs there as well, if not, I believe xfce is at fault...
EDIT: I tried to use lxappearance to set the cursor theme, using openbox, and it did not work. Same behaviour. So either this is a X11 or gtk bug, as far as I can tell.
Last edited by mariusmeyer (2011-12-01 00:16:12)
This problem been bugging me for a while, it seems an upstream that was fixed recently.
For me what i did was change the default X cursor:
1) create /usr/share/icons/default file
2) install an alternative cursor like xcursor-vanilla-dmz-aa (i installed from aur)
2) put for example this content on it:
[icon theme]
3) Change xfce options to use default cursor theme
Et voila, it becomes the default cursor for everyone and everything.
Last edited by Diaz (2011-12-01 03:02:18)
Thank you Diaz, that fixes the problem for me! I thought this was equivalent to putting it in ~/.icons/default, since there is only one user on this system.
Thank you! I have control of my cursors again ^^
I seem to be running into similar problem ( … 6#p1058866). However, Diaz' solution did not work for me.
When I had a few stange cursor relics, I decided to just have system-wide cursors. If I change cursor theme to (e.g.) Oxygen_Yellow then I would also
cd /usr/share/icons
ln -s Oxygen_Yellow default
Related to this area there was 2 or 3 defects which were fixed in Xfce 4.10pre1
I'm already setup it and found regression from 4.8. And it's already fixed. In the release fix will be implemented.
Xfce4 settings daemon don't set Xcursor.theme, Xcursor.theme_core, Xcursor.size, according to changes in Mouse settings.
Last edited by EasySly (2012-04-11 17:02:24)