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#1 2012-02-22 22:16:54

Registered: 2011-11-09
Posts: 59

[SOLVED] iPhone inadvertently added as net interface

I guess this is more of a warning than a question, per se, but from what I've read in the wiki, the more modern iPhones shouldn't be recognized without things like iFuse, etc.

A long while after I logged into my Xfce DE, I plugged my iPhone into my computer's USB port to charge it.  Thinking that it's never recognized as a mountable volume, I didn't think there would be any issues.  Later in the day I did a pacman -Syu and rebooted, but then my network wouldn't come up.  I did 'ip add' and it then displayed an extra interface, 'eth1'.  I only have one network interface in this computer, so I was confused as to what this new interface was, and why it was suddenly showing up.

After fruitless searches through logs and config files, and trying unsuccessfully to manually enable my normal 'eth0' interface, on a hunch I unplugged the iPhone and rebooted.  My network then came back, eth1 had disappeared and all was well.

Although this is a warning, I suppose I can ask a question, to avoid being slammed/spindled/mutilated by the more mature members of this community.  Are there any udev rules or other methods to block this iPhone from being recognized as a network interface short of not connecting it at all?  It's a 8 GB iPhone 3GS.  (NOTE: I did *not* have my kerosene-powered cheese-grater enabled at the time wink ).

Thanks smile

Last edited by willbprog127 (2012-02-22 22:30:24)


#2 2012-02-22 22:25:41

Registered: 2009-08-25
Posts: 3,605

Re: [SOLVED] iPhone inadvertently added as net interface

The only thing that comes to mind is to blacklist the ipheth module.


#3 2012-02-22 22:29:53

Registered: 2011-11-09
Posts: 59

Re: [SOLVED] iPhone inadvertently added as net interface

Gusar wrote:

The only thing that comes to mind is to blacklist the ipheth module.

Thanks for that smile  I did see ipheth in the logs, but had never seen it mentioned anywhere in the wiki, and definitely didn't know you could tether the iPhone until I did a quick search of ipheth.

Thanks again.  I'll go ahead and marked solved.


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