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#1 2012-03-21 09:02:43

From: svk
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 192

[SOLVED] creating simple firewall

I am running mails and web on my server, I would like to put simple firewall on that server to have some prtotection.

Here is my start configuration of iptables

 cat /etc/iptables/iptables.rules 
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 587 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 143 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 993 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset 
-A INPUT -p udp -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable 
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-proto-unreachable 

As you can see I am opening imap, smtp, web and ssh ports.

MY IDEA is to protect server from strangers who are scaning ports, trying to open all possible web pages and login over some webapp.
I would like to do something like this:

DROP connection if there are to many attempts to open, Let's say if there are more the 5 per 1 second then DROP.

Is it possible to do it in simple way using iptables? and how?
thank you very much.

Last edited by jancici (2012-03-21 21:34:51)


#2 2012-03-21 09:33:12

From: R'lyeh
Registered: 2010-04-16
Posts: 34

Re: [SOLVED] creating simple firewall

You can add something like this to your IPtables configuration:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name SSH --rsource -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m recent --update --seconds 600 --hitcount 5 --rttl --name SSH --rsource -j DROP

After 5 unsuccessful login attempts, IP address will be blocked for 600 seconds. This is for SSH, i suppose it can be applied to other ports too.

Cthulhu Fhtagn!


#3 2012-03-21 09:49:53

From: Sweden
Registered: 2011-02-05
Posts: 759

Re: [SOLVED] creating simple firewall

Or look into fail2ban, which can do exactly the same. Another thing is to change the ssh port to something more obscure.


#4 2012-03-21 10:10:56

Registered: 2011-08-16
Posts: 1,456

Re: [SOLVED] creating simple firewall

Or simply use keybased authentication for your ssh sessions and never care again about how many times people try to bruteforce the login.



#5 2012-03-21 10:51:34

From: svk
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 192

Re: [SOLVED] creating simple firewall

well, ssh is not problem, I already change to keybased auth ...
sometime I can see in http log that strangers is trying a lot of pages which not exist ...


#6 2012-03-21 14:25:47

From: svk
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 192

Re: [SOLVED] creating simple firewall

it happend just few moments ago, I know it is not me :-)

Mar 21 15:17:10 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:10 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:11 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:12 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:12 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:12 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:12 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:12 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:12 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:12 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:12 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:13 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:13 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:13 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:13 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:14 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:14 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:14 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:14 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:14 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:15 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:15 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:16 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 7 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=
Mar 21 15:17:16 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (tried to use disabled plaintext auth): user=<>, rip=, lip=

so these are the situation, or reasen why I want to protect my server


#7 2012-03-21 15:06:46

broken pipe
Registered: 2010-12-10
Posts: 239

Re: [SOLVED] creating simple firewall

i'm using this script for years now and it's imo the best i've ever seen. enter the tcp/udp ports you would like to open in  SERVICES_UDP="" and  SERVICES_TCP="80 443 22"


#8 2012-03-21 21:34:32

From: svk
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 192

Re: [SOLVED] creating simple firewall

greate, thank you very much
meanwhile I did find this … oming.html
so your post save time ...


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