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#1 2012-04-11 20:42:25

Registered: 2009-12-04
Posts: 20

Arch to Arch: NFS mounts not visible in file explorer

Hi all,

After a long use of Windows I'm coming back to Arch, but with some agony.
I have a NAS which shares my home directory over both cifs and nfs. It runs ARCH.

When I mount the share on my desktop (also Arch) I can browse to it in xterm. I can ls the directories and files without a problem. When I try to open them however, the terminal hangs. Copying, moving, opening, altering ... it all doesnt work. The Xterm just freezes.
When i open the folder with pcmanfm, it doesn't even show the directories.

The weird thing: yesterday it worked, today no go.

Desktop fstab:   /media/wouter   nfs   auto,user   0   0

Server exports:


- The NFS service are running fine because my ESXi server its datastore is stored over NFS on the NAS.
- The NFS services on the desktop are running.
- Both systems are running the latest package version.
- File permissions are correctly set: 700 wouter:users


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