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#1 2012-04-16 15:15:09

Registered: 2012-04-16
Posts: 6

php-fpm returns different result from command line one

during installation of the program(owncloud), it says no mbstring module installed. so i checked, but already installed in my php.

the way that I found from the installation script to check the existence of mbstring was

if(function_exists("mb_detect_encoding")) {
    // ok
} else {
    // no module

so i made a test script like,

echo function_exists("mb_detec_encoding");

but the problem is from now!!

from the command line I can get the right result : 1 but if i access this script from the browser, it returns no result (false).

I've checked whether they use different php.ini, but it was the same as far as i checked via phpinfo(). and mbstring is compiled within php, so it does not need any configuration.. i think...

im running Nginx + php-fpm + php(5.3.10) does anybody know why it returns the different result ??

if you do plz let me know the way to fix please.

thanks in advance.


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