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#1 2012-05-29 21:06:47

Registered: 2012-05-29
Posts: 1

netatalk Beginner Questions


But i have got no answers to my questions (netatalk site, google etc.), so i hope the Arch community can help me.
At first i installed netatalk via AUR and everything from the installation side is ok. But i have some admin questions:

1. What are the differences between "rwlist" and "allow" at AppleVolume.default?

2. What kind of effect have the parameters "fperm" and "dperm" at AppleVolume.default?
Because every new file e.g. with fperm:0660 will get the attribute 0664. So if fperm makes not that what i want, what is my mistake?
The parameter umask could help, but it is running in the same for dperm too. You have not the chance to use umask only for fperm and dperm.
Here an example: /path/to/share "VolumeName" fperm:0660 dperm:0770 umask:0117
will run for new files and new directories too, but directories have no more execution attribute. So you have not the chance to jump into the directory. 

3. How can i create one workgroup volume for different users?
Because every new file becomes as group and owner the username. And the group for the permission control is a different one.
Means user1 create a file, but user2 has no access. I'm looking for a parameter like fperm to set an own group name to every new file/directory.

4. What is the background of afppasswd?
For the authentication from Mac OS X it is enough to use the username password of the Arch Linux machine.

Thank you.


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