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#1 2012-06-03 10:25:32

Forum Fellow
From: Between a computer and a chair
Registered: 2008-09-14
Posts: 4,734

Ecryptfs on webdav (davfs2) problem

I have been trying to use ecryptfs on top of a webdav mount so I can safely store some files on the cloud. The problem is that I can transfer files, or just do 'touch file' or 'echo "hello" > file' but then I can't read back the file or even ls the directory.

I have narrowed this to the fact that the data inside the file on the remote machine (cloud) is not what it should be. I have tried the following:
Setup ecryptfs locally and touch a file.
Mount webdav, setup ecryptfs on top of it and touch a file.

Then unmount both ecryptfs mounts and compare the files in the lower directories, the files differ, the one on the webdav mount seems to suffer random changes at each try. I have confirmed that copying the encrypted file from the local setup to the webdav directory (cloud) does not result in corruption so it's not a connection problem or the cloud provider doing something fishy.

Either my google-fu is broken or I'm missing something because I haven't been able to find any recent reports of problems. Has anyone been over this before or does anyone have a clue why it doesn't work?



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