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#1 2012-09-13 21:53:29

Registered: 2011-09-23
Posts: 37

[Solved] Postfixadmin, can't run setup.php

First time for me to try setting up any server stuff with arch, so forgive if I come across as clueless

The story is I followed this page from the arch wiki: … #SMTP-AUTH to setup postfix, dovecot and postfixadmin (without smtp-auth as I have to use my isp's server for outgoing mail) and have a few issues but I think the first place I need to start is postfixadmin.  Haven't been able to get it to run the setup.php file which as far a I can see will create the mysql tables mapped in postfix's file

When I try running http://mydomain/postfixadmin/setup.php I get this error:

Please edit - change $CONF['configured'] to true after setting your database settings

In my /srv/http/postfixadmin/config_inc.php file I have already set this like so:

$CONF['configured'] = true;

I'm thinking maybe I did something wrong in the config_inc.php file, I'm able to use phpmyadmin so I don't think it's an issue with my apache/php installation, here's my full /srv/http/postfixadmin/config_inc.php file in case anyone can spot anything:

 * You have to set $CONF['configured'] = true; before the application will run!
$CONF['configured'] = true;

// In order to setup Postfixadmin, you MUST specify a hashed password here.
// To create the hash, visit setup.php in a browser and type a password into the field,
// on submission it will be echoed out to you as a hashed value.
$CONF['setup_password'] = '';

// Postfix Admin Path
$CONF['postfix_admin_url'] = '[url][/url]';

// shouldn't need changing.
$CONF['postfix_admin_path'] = dirname(__FILE__);

$CONF['default_language'] = 'en';

// Database Config
// mysql = MySQL 3.23 and 4.0, 4.1 or 5
// mysqli = MySQL 4.1+ 
// pgsql = PostgreSQL  
$CONF['database_type'] = 'mysqli';
$CONF['database_host'] = 'localhost';
$CONF['database_user'] = 'my_db_user';
$CONF['database_password'] = 'my_db_password';
$CONF['database_name'] = 'postfix';
// If you need to specify a different port for a MYSQL database connection, use e.g.
//   $CONF['database_host'] = '';

// Here, if you need, you can customize table names.
$CONF['database_prefix'] = '';
$CONF['database_tables'] = array (
 'admin' => 'admin',
    'alias' => 'alias',
    'alias_domain' => 'alias_domain',
    'config' => 'config',
    'domain' => 'domain',
    'domain_admins' => 'domain_admins',
    'fetchmail' => 'fetchmail',
    'log' => 'log',
    'mailbox' => 'mailbox',
    'vacation' => 'vacation',
    'vacation_notification' => 'vacation_notification',
    'quota' => 'quota',
    'quota2' => 'quota2',

// Site Admin
// Define the Site Admins email address below.
// This will be used to send emails from to create mailboxes.
$CONF['admin_email'] = '';

// Mail Server
// Hostname (FQDN) of your mail server.
// This is used to send email to Postfix in order to create mailboxes.
$CONF['smtp_server'] = 'localhost';
$CONF['smtp_server'] = '';
$CONF['smtp_port'] = '25';

// Encrypt
// In what way do you want the passwords to be crypted?
// md5crypt = internal postfix admin md5
// md5 = md5 sum of the password
// system = whatever you have set as your PHP system default
// cleartext = clear text passwords (ouch!)
// mysql_encrypt = useful for PAM integration
// authlib = support for courier-authlib style passwords
// dovecot:CRYPT-METHOD = use dovecotpw -s 'CRYPT-METHOD'. Example: dovecot:CRAM-MD5
$CONF['encrypt'] = 'md5crypt';

// In what flavor should courier-authlib style passwords be enrypted?
// md5 = {md5} + base64 encoded md5 hash
// md5raw = {md5raw} + plain encoded md5 hash
// SHA = {SHA} + base64-encoded sha1 hash
// crypt = {crypt} + Standard UNIX DES-enrypted with 2-character salt
$CONF['authlib_default_flavor'] = 'md5raw';

// If you use the dovecot encryption method: where is the dovecotpw binary located?
$CONF['dovecotpw'] = "/usr/sbin/dovecotpw";

// Minimum length required for passwords. Postfixadmin will not
// allow users to set passwords which are shorter than this value.
$CONF['min_password_length'] = 5;

// Generate Password
// Generate a random password for a mailbox or admin and display it.
// If you want to automagically generate paswords set this to 'YES'.
$CONF['generate_password'] = 'NO';

// Show Password
// Always show password after adding a mailbox or admin.
// If you want to always see what password was set set this to 'YES'.
$CONF['show_password'] = 'NO';

// Page Size
// Set the number of entries that you would like to see
// in one page.
$CONF['page_size'] = '10';

// Default Aliases
// The default aliases that need to be created for all domains.
$CONF['default_aliases'] = array (
    'abuse' => '',
    'hostmaster' => '',
    'postmaster' => '',
    'webmaster' => ''

// Mailboxes
// If you want to store the mailboxes per domain set this to 'YES'.
// Examples:
//   YES: /usr/local/virtual/domain.tld/username@domain.tld
//   NO:  /usr/local/virtual/username@domain.tld
$CONF['domain_path'] = 'NO';
// If you don't want to have the domain in your mailbox set this to 'NO'.
// Examples:
//   YES: /usr/local/virtual/domain.tld/username@domain.tld
//   NO:  /usr/local/virtual/domain.tld/username
// Note: If $CONF['domain_path'] is set to NO, this setting will be forced to YES.
$CONF['domain_in_mailbox'] = 'YES';
// If you want to define your own function to generate a maildir path set this to the name of the function.
// Notes:
//   - this configuration directive will override both domain_path and domain_in_mailbox
//   - the maildir_name_hook() function example is present below, commented out
//   - if the function does not exist the program will default to the above domain_path and domain_in_mailbox settings
$CONF['maildir_name_hook'] = 'NO';

    maildir_name_hook example function

    Called by create-mailbox.php if $CONF['maildir_name_hook'] == '<name_of_the_function>'
    - allows for customized maildir paths determined by a custom function
    - the example below will prepend a single-character directory to the
      beginning of the maildir, splitting domains more or less evenly over
      36 directories for improved filesystem performance with large numbers
      of domains.
Returns: maildir path
    ie. I/
function maildir_name_hook($domain, $user) {
    $chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

    $dir_index = hexdec(substr(md5($domain), 28)) % strlen($chars);
    $dir = substr($chars, $dir_index, 1);
    return sprintf("%s/%s/%s/", $dir, $domain, $user);

// Default Domain Values
// Specify your default values below. Quota in MB.
$CONF['aliases'] = '10';
$CONF['mailboxes'] = '10';
$CONF['maxquota'] = '10';

// Quota
// When you want to enforce quota for your mailbox users set this to 'YES'.
$CONF['quota'] = 'NO';
// You can either use '1024000' or '1048576'
$CONF['quota_multiplier'] = '1024000';

// Transport
// If you want to define additional transport options for a domain set this to 'YES'.
// Read the transport file of the Postfix documentation.
$CONF['transport'] = 'NO';
// Transport options
// If you want to define additional transport options put them in array below.
$CONF['transport_options'] = array (
    'virtual',  // for virtual accounts
    'local',    // for system accounts
    'relay'     // for backup mx
// Transport default
// You should define default transport. It must be in array above.
$CONF['transport_default'] = 'virtual';

// Virtual Vacation
// If you want to use virtual vacation for you mailbox users set this to 'YES'.
// NOTE: Make sure that you install the vacation module. (See VIRTUAL-VACATION/)
$CONF['vacation'] = 'NO';
// This is the autoreply domain that you will need to set in your Postfix
// transport maps to handle virtual vacations. It does not need to be a
// real domain (i.e. you don't need to setup DNS for it).
$CONF['vacation_domain'] = 'autoreply.change-this-to-your.domain.tld';

// Vacation Control
// If you want users to take control of vacation set this to 'YES'.
$CONF['vacation_control'] ='YES';

// Vacation Control for admins
// Set to 'YES' if your domain admins should be able to edit user vacation.
$CONF['vacation_control_admin'] = 'YES';

// Alias Control
// Postfix Admin inserts an alias in the alias table for every mailbox it creates.
// The reason for this is that when you want catch-all and normal mailboxes
// to work you need to have the mailbox replicated in the alias table.
// If you want to take control of these aliases as well set this to 'YES'.

// Alias control for superadmins
$CONF['alias_control'] = 'NO';

// Alias Control for domain admins
$CONF['alias_control_admin'] = 'NO';

// Special Alias Control
// Set to 'NO' if your domain admins shouldn't be able to edit the default aliases
// as defined in $CONF['default_aliases']
$CONF['special_alias_control'] = 'NO';

// Alias Goto Field Limit
// Set the max number of entries that you would like to see
// in one 'goto' field in overview, the rest will be hidden and "[and X more...]" will be added.
// '0' means no limits.
$CONF['alias_goto_limit'] = '0';

// Alias Domains
// Alias domains allow to "mirror" aliases and mailboxes to another domain. This makes
// configuration easier if you need the same set of aliases on multiple domains, but
// also requires postfix to do more database queries.
// Note: If you update from 2.2.x or earlier, you will have to update your postfix configuration.
// Set to 'NO' to disable alias domains.
$CONF['alias_domain'] = 'YES';

// Backup
// If you don't want backup tab set this to 'NO';
$CONF['backup'] = 'YES';

// Send Mail
// If you don't want sendmail tab set this to 'NO';
$CONF['sendmail'] = 'YES';

// Logging
// If you don't want logging set this to 'NO';
$CONF['logging'] = 'YES';

// Fetchmail
// If you don't want fetchmail tab set this to 'NO';
$CONF['fetchmail'] = 'YES';

// fetchmail_extra_options allows users to specify any fetchmail options and any MDA
// (it will even accept 'rm -rf /' as MDA!)
// This should be set to NO, except if you *really* trust *all* your users.
$CONF['fetchmail_extra_options'] = 'NO';

// Header
$CONF['show_header_text'] = 'NO';
$CONF['header_text'] = ':: Postfix Admin ::';

// link to display under 'Main' menu when logged in as a user.
$CONF['user_footer_link'] = "[url]http://change-this-to-your.domain.tld/main[/url]";

// link to display under 'Main' menu when logged in as a user.
$CONF['user_footer_link'] = "[url]http://change-this-to-your.domain.tld/main[/url]";

// Footer
// Below information will be on all pages.
// If you don't want the footer information to appear set this to 'NO'.
$CONF['show_footer_text'] = 'YES';
$CONF['footer_text'] = 'Return to change-this-to-your.domain.tld';
$CONF['footer_link'] = '[url]http://change-this-to-your.domain.tld[/url]';

// Welcome Message
// This message is send to every newly created mailbox.
// Change the text between EOM.
$CONF['welcome_text'] = <<<EOM

Welcome to your new account.

// When creating mailboxes or aliases, check that the domain-part of the
// address is legal by performing a name server look-up.

// Optional:
// color names available on most browsers

//set to YES to enable this feature
//display a guide to what these colors mean
// 'show_status_text' will be displayed with the background colors
// associated with each status, you can customize it here
// show_undeliverable is useful if most accounts are delivered to this
// postfix system.  If many aliases and mailboxes are forwarded
// elsewhere, you will probably want to disable this.
// mails to these domains will never be flagged as undeliverable
// you can assign special colors to some domains. To do this,
// - add the domain to show_custom_domains
// - add the corresponding color to show_custom_colors
// If you use a recipient_delimiter in your postfix config, you can also honor it when aliases are checked.
// Example: $CONF['recipient_delimiter'] = "+";
// Set to "" to disable this check.
$CONF['recipient_delimiter'] = "";

// Optional:
// Script to run after creation of mailboxes.
// Note that this may fail if PHP is run in "safe mode", or if
// operating system features (such as SELinux) or limitations
// prevent the web-server from executing external scripts.
// Parameters: (1) username (2) domain (3) maildir (4) quota
// $CONF['mailbox_postcreation_script']='sudo -u courier /usr/local/bin/';

// Optional:
// Script to run after alteration of mailboxes.
// Note that this may fail if PHP is run in "safe mode", or if
// operating system features (such as SELinux) or limitations
// prevent the web-server from executing external scripts.
// Parameters: (1) username (2) domain (3) maildir (4) quota
// $CONF['mailbox_postedit_script']='sudo -u courier /usr/local/bin/';

// Optional:
// Script to run after deletion of mailboxes.
// Note that this may fail if PHP is run in "safe mode", or if
// operating system features (such as SELinux) or limitations
// prevent the web-server from executing external scripts.
// Parameters: (1) username (2) domain
// $CONF['mailbox_postdeletion_script']='sudo -u courier /usr/local/bin/';

// Optional:
// Script to run after creation of domains.
// Note that this may fail if PHP is run in "safe mode", or if
// operating system features (such as SELinux) or limitations
// prevent the web-server from executing external scripts.
// Parameters: (1) domain
//$CONF['domain_postcreation_script']='sudo -u courier /usr/local/bin/';

// Optional:
// Script to run after deletion of domains.
// Note that this may fail if PHP is run in "safe mode", or if
// operating system features (such as SELinux) or limitations
// prevent the web-server from executing external scripts.
// Parameters: (1) domain
// $CONF['domain_postdeletion_script']='sudo -u courier /usr/local/bin/';

// Optional:
// Sub-folders which should automatically be created for new users.
// The sub-folders will also be subscribed to automatically.
// Will only work with IMAP server which implement sub-folders.
// Will not work with POP3.
// If you define create_mailbox_subdirs, then the
// create_mailbox_subdirs_host must also be defined.
// $CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs']=array('Spam');
// $CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_host']='localhost';
// Specify '' for Dovecot and 'INBOX.' for Courier.

// Optional:
// Show used quotas from Dovecot dictionary backend in virtual
// mailbox listing.
//      [url][/url]
$CONF['used_quotas'] = 'NO';

// if you use dovecot >= 1.2, set this to yes.
// Note about dovecot config: table "quota" is for 1.0 & 1.1, table "quota2" is for dovecot 1.2 and newer
$CONF['new_quota_table'] = 'NO';

// Normally, the TCP port number does not have to be specified.
// $CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport']=143;
// If you have trouble connecting to the IMAP-server, then specify
// a value for $CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions']. These
// are some examples to experiment with:
// $CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions']=array('notls');
// $CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions']=array('novalidate-cert','norsh');
// See also the "Optional flags for names" table at
// [url][/url]

// Theme Config
// Specify your own logo and CSS file
$CONF['theme_logo'] = 'images/logo-default.png';
$CONF['theme_css'] = 'css/default.css';

// XMLRPC Interface.
// This should be only of use if you wish to use e.g the
// Postfixadmin-Squirrelmail package
//  change to boolean true to enable xmlrpc
$CONF['xmlrpc_enabled'] = false;

// If you want to keep most settings at default values and/or want to ensure
// that future updates work without problems, you can use a separate config
// file (config.local.php) instead of editing this file and override some
// settings there.
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.local.php')) {
    include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.local.php');

/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */

Any suggestions on what I can try to get postfixadmin's setup.php to run will be much appreciated

Last edited by Ecky (2012-09-14 23:23:24)

Mainboard:  Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H  -  Processor:  Amd Phenom X6 1090T  -  Memory:  8GB (2x4Gb) Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz DDR3  -  Graphics:   XFX Ati Radeon HD 6870


#2 2012-09-14 05:33:37

Registered: 2012-04-24
Posts: 7

Re: [Solved] Postfixadmin, can't run setup.php

Looks like you haven't specified the hashed password?


#3 2012-09-14 10:49:27

Registered: 2011-09-23
Posts: 37

Re: [Solved] Postfixadmin, can't run setup.php

// In order to setup Postfixadmin, you MUST specify a hashed password here.
// To create the hash, visit setup.php in a browser and type a password into the field,
// on submission it will be echoed out to you as a hashed value.
$CONF['setup_password'] = '';

Cheers for the reply mate

As you can see above it tells you to generate the password using setup.php itself (which I can't open), I did try a self-generated md5 hashed password using echo "somepassword" | md5sum but that didn't work

Mainboard:  Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H  -  Processor:  Amd Phenom X6 1090T  -  Memory:  8GB (2x4Gb) Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz DDR3  -  Graphics:   XFX Ati Radeon HD 6870


#4 2012-09-14 11:01:36

Registered: 2011-09-23
Posts: 37

Re: [Solved] Postfixadmin, can't run setup.php

Just worked out I had an errant dns sending me to a postfixadmin on another machine which I'd never used ... god do I feel stupid!

Now that the url is sendng me to the correct machine (and copy of postfixadmin) I'm getting a 403 permissions errors when I try to open setup.php, the I posted btw is the correct one

When following the arch wiki page I put a symlink called postfixadmin in /srv/http which points to /usr/share/webapps/postfixAdmin and then followed this part of the wiki to set permissions:

chown -R nobody:nobody /home/httpd/html/postfixadmin-2.1.0/
cd /home/httpd/html/postfixadmin/
chmod 640 *.php
cd /home/httpd/html/postfixadmin/admin/
chmod 640 *.php
cd /home/httpd/html/postfixadmin/images/
chmod 640 *.png
cd /home/httpd/html/postfixadmin/languages/
chmod 640 *.lang
cd /home/httpd/html/postfixadmin/templates/
chmod 640 *.php
cd /home/httpd/html/postfixadmin/users/
chmod 640 *.php

That's directly from the wiki, obviously in my case I changed the paths from /home/httpd/html to /srv//http so as to reflect my setup. Assuming the permissions on the wiki are correct I don't know why I get the 403 error when I try opening the setup.php file

Access forbidden!

You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 403

Any ideas?

Last edited by Ecky (2012-09-14 11:39:52)

Mainboard:  Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H  -  Processor:  Amd Phenom X6 1090T  -  Memory:  8GB (2x4Gb) Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz DDR3  -  Graphics:   XFX Ati Radeon HD 6870


#5 2012-09-14 17:34:06

Registered: 2011-09-23
Posts: 37

Re: [Solved] Postfixadmin, can't run setup.php

Solved that now, changed it to be owned by http:http then I was no longer getting the permissions error, just blank white pages instead

A look through /var/log/httpd/ revealed a path issue which I fixed by adding  /usr/share/webapps to php.ini's open_basedir directive

Just getting one error now when I run postfixadmin/setup.php:

Warning: Depends on: IMAP functions - NOT FOUND
To install IMAP support, install php5-imap
Without IMAP support, you won't be able to create subfolders when creating mailboxes.

No package found when I run pacman -S php5-imap tried pacman -S imap and that's already installed

I uncommented in php.ini and checked that /usr/lib/php/modules/ does exist, restarted apache but still get the same error

Could that be because I haven't set up an imap client yet?  Eventually I'd like to have a play with horde but for now I intend to setup roundcube, if there not being a client in place yet wouldn't cause the no imap support error to come up does anyone have an idea what might be causing this or what I can try to fix it?

Last edited by Ecky (2012-09-14 17:40:21)

Mainboard:  Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H  -  Processor:  Amd Phenom X6 1090T  -  Memory:  8GB (2x4Gb) Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz DDR3  -  Graphics:   XFX Ati Radeon HD 6870


#6 2012-09-14 23:22:47

Registered: 2011-09-23
Posts: 37

Re: [Solved] Postfixadmin, can't run setup.php

Fixed that too, how do I mark this as solved or does some else do it for you?

I figure it's already gone well off the point of my original issue

EDIT:  Never mind, found it

Last edited by Ecky (2012-09-14 23:24:15)

Mainboard:  Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H  -  Processor:  Amd Phenom X6 1090T  -  Memory:  8GB (2x4Gb) Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz DDR3  -  Graphics:   XFX Ati Radeon HD 6870


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