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hi guys,
my Arch installation dates back to 2008 - haven't reinstalled since; just been using pacman -Syu with minor tweaks and fixes.
I think the time has come up to do something slightly more comprehensive than pacman -Syu ; not sure exactly what.
everything is still operational, so no complaints... but I'm getting the odd red flags at boot-up because of depreciated rc.conf and some daemons fail to start.
is there any user guide on e.g. reinstalling the base system within Arch? or reinstalling with minimal configuration afterwards?
I think much of my system is still running with old setups / configurations, rather than recommended configurations if that makes sense.
any suggestions would be much appreciated.
If you have been consistently -Syu'ing, then the only change you should need to make is to move to systemd. No need for a reinstall.
The wiki page has the details; the upshot is it is a quick and painless process, once you have read the relevant docmentation and made the necessary changes to your .conf files...
Also, the "man archlinux" is really simple, really concise, and really helpful for fixing those little warnings.