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I switched from network manager to netctl and i am still happy. But when i suspend my computer and resume later on i don't have any connection anymore. Netctl thinks it is still connected though.
I don't really know where to start debugging. It seems that there is nothing more i can do except starting and stoping the services withy systemctl.
Regards, Archdove
Well, FWIW netctl-auto works fine here post-resume. You should probably post exactly how you are enabling/running netctl, your netctl profile and what type of wireless card/driver you have, for starters. Have you looked through journalctl for clues?
I have enabled netctl like this:
systemctl enable netctl-auto@wlan0.service
systemctl enable netctl-sleep.service
Maybe i shuld somehow handle suspend/sleep with systemd and not with pm-utils like i did before systemd?
I seems that the problem only occurs if i suspend for a longer time. When i just suspend/resume for testing it works...
Last edited by Archdove (2013-05-20 17:28:16)
Same here.I'm not using netctl sleep.service and after suspend everything works just fine.
I disabled it for now. Tomorrow i will see if it is of any use.
It is of no use. Exact same behaviour as before:
- Wlan connection ok
- sleep for a few minutes (>15)
- open lid
- connection seems to be ok in awesome wm widget
- but connection is not really up
I did look into journalcfg but i could not find anything.
Last edited by Archdove (2013-05-23 11:07:00)
I don't know which update changed it but reconnecting works now. ... Thing is, my awesome widget is not so awesome anymore... it only shows N/A.
Closed but not solved.
If you run iwconfig after resume, does it show the network is connected, even though you have no internet?
I think pm-utils is not turning your connection off on suspend, so netctl doesn't know to reconnect on resume...if you're not using pm-utils for a specific reason systemd's suspend functions are just as good. Otherwise, add a 'sudo ip link set wlan0 down' pre resume and that might help?
Not too sure about that, but could be worth a try
I did uninstall pm-utils and i didn't notice any problems so far. I will wait until the end of the Week before marking this thread as solved.
Systemd brings many features and i lack a bit the overview about what to do whith it and what not.
I had the same problem.
Creating and enabling the following service was an easy solution that seems to have done the trick:
Description=netctl sleep hook
ExecStop=/usr/bin/systemctl restart netctl-auto@wlp1s0.service
Make sure to replace wlp1s0 with your wireless interface name.