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after successfully compiling gimp, xsane and digikam (base: PKGBUILDs from Arch32) I want to add OOo 2.0 to my Arch64 system.
What is the easiest way to install it? OOo itself only provides rpms for the 2.0 version. OOo 2.0 is in the Arch32 extra repository.
a) Will OOo 2.0 from Arch32 run on Arch64, i. e. I install the arch32 packages with pacman on Arch64 and can use OOo 2.0?
b) Or shall/must I look for the PKGBUILDs of OOo for Arch32 and compile it all myself?
Thanks for tipps,
Well, I found the source
Mayby you could make PKGBUILD for others too.
Arch - It's something refreshing
Can it be compiled from source and got running on Arch64? Are there any other packages needed?
I've looked into this, because the present version takes along time to start up on my system. Plus, there is the jre glitch.
The dependencies for building is quite long: jdm, tcsh, some jar files, etc. Have a look here: … Components
Also there is:
I would have a go, but this bloody serious work!
What the beep was that?
Someone else has already started a thread about this: [search]openoffice from source[/search]
Good luck finding it in the mess, though!
I always get into java trouble after 2 hours compiling. I'm still trying it from time to time. Even if we could manage to get it compile it won't be very stable. There is still no official rpm based installer provided by the OOo devs but now they spread one for testing. I've made a new package based on version 2.0.3RC7(wich is the final one).
Things are getting better but is still not very stable. But now you can test it and report bugs to the OOo devs. It will soon hit the repos.
If anybody has a large startup time disable java in the OOo settings ;-)
Help in getting it compile is always welcome :!:
On disabling java, I found that I couldn't uncheck the box in the user settings, because it is first necessary to do that in the root settings.
I actually went the whole way of doing the complete reinstall, but I doubt if that is necessary. Subsequently I reinstalled j2re, and that was OK, too (for the other needs).
BTW abiword is funny in the sense that it fails over a .so file. I did a standard build from source and that worked for me, however. I don't have a complete gnome installation, and that may have been the reason.
What the beep was that?
well the frugalware guys have got oo working for 64. maybe check their pkgbuild
I have had a quick trawl through the frugalware fora. If you look at this, for example, you will see the same issue about java runtime not being recognised. … 5#msg_3052
The arch64 version is built without java runtime support. So there is just this small glitch about disabling the search for jre, which cannot be traced.
The issue is one of 64 bit jre's not yet being available.
What the beep was that?