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#1 2013-05-26 06:07:21

Registered: 2013-05-09
Posts: 16

Files transfered using WinSCP are broken :[

I used WinSCP and ssh to transfer some files from my windows machine onto my arch linux one before I reformatted my windows one to arch linux but it appears that they have all been broken or corrupted somehow.
The files were mostly .zip files and some were also .iso or video files.  When I try to open them most of them don't work at all.

For example of how the files are broken:
I reinstalled windows onto the machine that originally had windows (its arch linux/windows dual boot now) and tried to run one of the .iso files and daemon tools mounts it, but when I try and run the isos setup it complains about the file not being compatible with the version of windows I'm running (it complains about x86/x64).  I believe this must be because the file is corrupted or damaged somehow.
When I tried opening a video file I had transfered the same way it had some kind of error and wouldn't work also (I dont remember what the error was)
When I attempt to unzip a zip file I transfered it says that "The Compressed (Zipped) Folder is invalid"

I managed to get a bash script out of one of the zips I transfered, but even that complained about some error, I think it said something about alignment.

Does anyone have any ideas about what caused the issues with my files transfers?


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